LESSON #6: Rejection

All lessons are designed to educate and equip everyone to effectively do self- deliverance and to be able to help others as led by the Lord.  The lessons should be followed in chronological order to derive maximum benefits.

Lesson#6 Audio

SUMMARY: Opening Session; Introduction (Excerpts from Pigs in the Parlor); 3 “R’S) of Deliverance – Rejection, Bitterness, Rebellion; Characteristics of Rejection, Schizophrenia, Basic Deliverance Steps Along With Prayers, Six Steps to Freedom From Curses, All Steps Needed When Going Through Basic Deliverance. How To Maintain Your Deliverance, Closing Deliverance Prayers, Listing of Declarations and Commands to Be Used Along with Casting Out Spirits, Lesson on Cancer and Arthritis Deliverance Along With Related Spirits and Prayer, Additional Information on Rejection


–           Thank the Lord for the Opportunity to minister to all on the prayer line.

–           Ask the Lord to come in power and to set them free.

–           Plead the blood of Jesus over everyone and their family members, cars, jobs, homes,         marriages, etc. on the Prayer Line. We ask the Lord to release His protocol angels, evil angel, warring angels, ministering angels, security angels, territorial angels and the seven fold spirits of God, to slay the powers of witchcraft that would seek to interfere or fight against anyone on this prayer line or hinder anyone’s deliverance, in the name of Jesus..

–           Anoint with oil. (Advise Keep Handy)

–           Bind all strongholds (Spirits of Distraction, Oppression, Block Receiving Word, etc)

WE ACKNOWLEDGE GOD: You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, the Resurrection and the Life, the Living Water, The Only Begotten  Son, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, etc.



1.         Lord I thank you for the salvation of my soul, in the name of Jesus.

2.         Lord I thank you for delivering me, in the name of Jesus.

3.         Lord I thank you for preserving me and my family.

4.         Lord I thank you for giving your angels charge over me, in the name of Jesus.

REPENTANCE: 1 John 1:9

Lord, I repent of all of my sins, deliberate sins, inadvertent sins, sins of omission and sins of commission, in Jesus name we pray.


1.         Every judgment of our enemies be condemned by fire, in the name of Jesus.

2.         Power base of every power blocking my deliverance, die, die, die, in the name of Jesus.

3.         Power base of every power blocking my destiny, die, die, die, in the name of Jesus.

4.         Power base of every power blocking my reading of the word of God, die, die, die, die, in the name of Jesus.

5.         Power base of waster assigned against my life and family, die, die, die in the name of       Jesus.


From Pigs in the Parlor (Excerpts) By Frank and Eda Mae Hammond,

Complete Deliverance Manual (Excerpts) By Apostle Gene B. Moody

Today we will be outlining Basic Deliverance steps along with the lesson on Rejection for greater clarity.  These steps will incorporate all the necessary prayers that the candidate needs to go through, in order to establish the grounds for deliverance (canceling of the legal rights of demons).  Afterwards, we make declarations and commands as we begin to cast out devils.  

This session will also include a list of spirits from rejection along with commands and declarations to be used as you command the spirits to leave the individual.


INTRODUCTION – A few quick comments on rejection from excerpts from Pigs in the Parlor.

QUESTION: Was your family life a stable one? Was there peace in your living environment?  

  1. The door for the spirit of rejection to enter is most frequently opened during childhood and even while the baby is in the mother’s womb. 
  2. When a child is unwanted, the fetus is opened for the entrance for the demon of rejection.
  3. Understand this fact, Satan seeks for the weakest moments in someone’s life to attack; that is when a person is defenseless. Example: Before the child is given birth and during infancy.
  4. We see John the Baptist before he was born was filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb. Lk. 1:15
  5. Satan counterfeits everything, since the Holy Spirit, entered John the Baptist before birth, there is no doubt a demon spirit can enter a person before birth. 
  6. Example: An unmarried mother came for deliverance at her eight month of pregnancy and admitted she considered abortion. She was delivered of several demons which were cast out of her fetus, including the spirit of rejection. While being delivered, she experienced sharp pains in the womb area of her body.  These pains completely disappeared as the demons came out of the woman’s mouth.
  7. The deliverance minister would be well advised to question all who come for ministry as to whether they have been rejected or not. Were you adopted or placed in a foster home?  Rejection is a common thing.
  8. Most children adopted have spirits of rejection as an opening has been provided for such spirits to gain entrance. 
  9. Rejection is referred to as a three headed monster.  Spirit of Rejection, Fear of Rejection and Self Rejection spirits.  (See teaching on Rejection) Oral Prevost Manual
  10. Self-Rejection: These demons are evidenced in the person’s inability to give or receive love or to give love to others.
  11. Such rejected people become fearful of close relationships for fear of further hurt. 
  12. He is afraid to accept the love of others, holding himself aloof and opens the way fear of rejection.
  13. Self-Rejection comes along to add to one’s torment. 
  14. This person feels that he is rejected by others and will begin to think that something is wrong with him why other people don’t like him.
  15. He turns his thoughts inward and begins to hate himself for what he is, that is self-rejection.
  16. QUESTION: Was your father there for you in your childhood years? What was the relationship like? Did he teach you the principles of God? See Eph. 6:4 Fathers do not provoke children. Not Mothers!

I’ll be giving a quick overview of rejection by way of making some pointed statements in a summarized way after which by God’s grace, I will attempt to explore in a more detailed way, how to overcome rejection along with a list of rejection spirits.  This teaching will be in three series: Rejection Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 and will not be done until later on in the deliverance sessions.

Rejection Part 1:

1.         Rejection a Root Problem

2.         Two Companion Roots

3.         Reasons for Rejection

Rejection Part 2:

1.         Reactions to Rejection

2.         Readjustments to Rejection

Rejection Part 3:

1.         Repercussions from Wrong Reaction and Wrong Readjustments


REJECTION: LIST OF SCRIPTURE – Matt. 5:3 (Rejected are “poor in spirit”) Do you feel poorly? Matt. 5:43-44 (Love your enemies) Would solve a lot of your problems! Rom. 12:3 (Not to think of himself more highly) Would not get rejected! I Cor. 10:12-13 (Take heed lest he fall) Pride – Ego – Vanity II Cor. 5:14-15 (Not live unto themselves) Be generous and think of others! Eph. 6:4 (Fathers do not provoke children) Not the mothers! Phil. 4:8 (Think on these things) James 1:5-8 (Double-minded man) Will not receive anything from God! I Peter 4:12 (Fiery trial) We go through many trials!


  1. The Three “R’S” of deliverance – the most important grouping – like reading, writing and arithmetic.  The Almighty God taught us this lesson in the middle of the night in the middle of our bed ten years ago. God personally taught us about Basic Deliverance. 
  2. Rejection – (Opposite is Love)
  3. Except for the sins of the ancestors, rejection is generally where the demons first attack someone because of the parents, this can be in the womb. 
  1. Rejection includes: 1 fear of rejection and self-rejection in this common demon family. I am going to spend more time on rejection because it is generally the door opener to demon oppression.
  1. Except for the sins of the ancestors, rejection is generally where the demons first attack someone and because of the parents, this can be in the womb. Rejection is one of the biggest problems of the human race!
  1. Rejection is defined as:  reject, refuse, repudiate, decline, deny, rebuff, repel, renounce, discard, throw away, exclude, eliminate and jettison.
  1. Have you had these feelings before?  Rejection is very common among Christians.  Love is the opposite of Rejection. The Love of God and God loving through us is a very powerful force which we don’t fully understand.
  1. THE ROOTS OF REJECTION (EXCERPTS) As for my people, children are their oppressors and women rule over them.  O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err and destroy the way of thy paths.  Isaiah 3:12
  1. The curse of destruction of the family priesthood (which is centered in the father and is usually is the result of inherited family curses) paves the way for a spirit of rejection in a child.
  1. Frustrated by his lack of leadership and her inability to respect him as a man, the woman (who herself may have inherited curses of dominance) begins to take over and direct the home by the Jezebel spirit.
  1. The child is caught up in the conflict between the parents and becomes its chief victim.  The spirits in the mother will coheres the male child forbidding him to assert his masculinity or to engage in activities which would develop him as a man.
  1. The progression of destruction in the life of a female child is much the same as that of the boy except that she will consciously or unconsciously absorb and manifest the same attitudes and spirits which drive her mother.
  1. There is a definite pattern to the entrance of rejection which in turn opens the door for rebellion: i.  Curse of destruction of the family priesthood (centered in the father) ii.  Curses and spirits of withdrawal of the father and dominance by the mother as Jezebel.  Iii.  Spirit of improper discipline (usually works through the mother, either over permissive or too harsh) may associate with the curse of rebellion against discipline on the child’s part.  Iv.  Spirits of lying to escape punishment.  V.  curse and spirits of guilt.  Vi. Curse and spirits of distrust (resulting from guilt) vii.  Curse and spirits involved in lack of communication between parents and child.  Viii.  Curse and spirits of rejection (“my parents don’t even love me”) (I can’t even talk to them”)

 CHARACTERISTICS OF REJECTION (The Power of Love Overcoming Rejection) – 1. Hunger for power. 2. Causes you to seek power in job, family or ministry in order to be accepted and look good to others and Jesus. 3. Has religious ambition. 4. Over achiever, perfectionist. 5. Strives for recognition through accomplishments. 6. Wants to be in control. 7. You do not want to be vulnerable to being rejected. 8. Has a roller coaster ride in Christian walk. One day up and one day down. 9. Self-justification. Feels like you are being rejected if someone criticizes you or you make a mistake. 10. Cannot see the truth of God’s Word. 11. There is a cloud over your mind that says God does not love me anyway which causes you not to receive the revelations of truth.

 12. Causes you to commit adultery or fornicate. You are looking for love from anyone or anything because you are starving for the true love of Jesus. 13. Cannot accept the love of Jesus or anyone else fully. You can just get so personal, in fear of being hurt again, including Jesus. 14.  Can’t seem to forgive yourself or others from past hurts, mistakes or sin. 15. Causes you to have a spirit of unbelief and doubt towards the truth; it also lets the spirit of hatred and bitterness come in with it. 16. You cannot see rejection working in you. 17. Your mind is seared against to the truth. 18. Causes you to speak negative things about yourself. Because you cannot see or receive the full love of Jesus and you do not love yourself. 19. Causes anger, strife and murder to come in. 20. You do not have peace because of fear of being rejected so you act out in anger and even rage at times because you are subconsciously mad at God. 21. Causes you to receive a Jezebel spirit or a spirit of control. 22. The spirit of rejection will bring in a spirit of control to work with it because it is afraid if it is not in control of everything it will not prevail, or it will be rejected.

 EARLINE’S COMMENTS Rejection Opens Door To A Multitude Of Curses Looking up rejection in the Bible, I have found that God has not rejected a single person who has not persisted in rejecting God. See I Sam. 8:7; 10:19; 15:23, 26; 16:1; II Kings 17:15, 29; Isa. 53:2; Jer. 6:19; 7:29-30; etc. These scriptures reassure us that if we heed God’s call to us, He will not reject us.

We have not found a single person who has escaped the problem of rejection. Even if we are not rejected, rejection works very well when demons can convince us that we are rejected. Rejection is one of the best ideas the Devil ever had, and it works so well he uses it against all people. Even Jesus did not escape rejection. Isa. 53:3, He was despised and rejected and forsaken by man, … He was despised, and we did not appreciate His worth or have any esteem for Him. Jesus was totally rejected of men. The Devil did not stop using rejection on Jesus even when He was on the cross. Jesus’ response was, Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they do.

The Devil used rejection on Eve when he told her she would be like God was not that question in response to what Eve was probably thinking? If she had not been thinking this, she would not have taken the bait.

What does rejection do to you? It makes you open to all kinds of seduction because you do not feel complete nor settled. It may be a respectable seduction like food, work, play, prestige, money or non-respectable like street drugs, abnormal sexual activities, murder, abortion, witchcraft, etc. The person is always trying to find something to fix that spot so they will fell all right.

Rejection is behind over working, lying, greed, denying a problem exists or our ability to control it, deception, etc. The work of the Holy Spirit within us is to bring us into proper self-control, peace and joy (Gal. 5:22-26).

Rejection Leading To Sexual Perversions Sexual perversions represent an extreme attempt to overcome rejection. Sexual experiences, real or imaginary, can never satisfy the need for genuine love. They are the Devil’s substitutes for real love and leave a person ridden with frustration and guilt. Sex is not love!

The person who has a deep sense of rejection feels insecure and inferior. Since the person has been rejected or fears rejection, he is driven to pamper self … to push self. He is thereby trying to overcome feelings of rejection. One who feels rejected wants to feel important.

 Rejection, Witchcraft Control and Ugliness (Excerpts) The hellish “ping pong” game played with hapless victims by the spirits of Rejection and Rebellion has been spelled out by the Hammonds.  Everyone should read Pigs in the Parlor by Frank Hammond, with particular attention to the chapter on Schizophrenia. The demons of

Rejection and Rebellion whipsaw the people back and forth between these opposite emotions!

 Rejection is such a common malady that it is found everywhere to some degree or another.

 Discovery of an out-of-wedlock pregnancy usually results in anger, upset and dismay in the parents of their child.

 The curse of Rejection from the Womb has opened the door for many tormenting spirits in scores of people with whom we have dealt. Did you know that you can be rejected by your parents while you are in the womb?

Over and over people have reported life-long trouble by seemingly groundless but crippling rejection and various kinds of fears.

In some individuals, such spirits only produce discomfort and uneasiness.

A knowledge of the binding and casting out of evil spirits and losing the spirits of God (to counter and cancel the evil ones) is essential (Matt. 18:18; Mark 16:17-18).

 There is a demonic entity called Witchcraft Control and he is able to bind other spirits in a person, particularly those involving habits such as smoking, drinking and sexual lapses.  In order for the victim to be freed completely, witchcraft curses must be broken from his family (back to ten generations on both sides) or from any other quarter.  Legal holds and legal grounds must be taken from the enemy in the name of Jesus. We have observed that people with heavy rejection spirits (usually including Rejection from the Womb) sometimes are rather homely and plain. A demon called Ugliness is found in many persons.

Perhaps you have noticed that people very often look ten to twenty years younger in their casket than when alive. Many times, in deliverance, we see people change before us. They look younger, softer and more relaxed. Women, would you like to be more beautiful? Then, get your demons cast out!

 Schizophrenia (Excerpts) Schizophrenia is a very common problem.  Some authorities in the field of mental illness estimate there may be as many schizophrenics as one out of eight persons in the United States. Schizophrenics account for half the population in psychiatric hospitals.  Of course, there are varying degrees of schizophrenia.  Some cases are acute while others are quite mild.  Many schizophrenics have never been treated professionally. Schizophrenia has remained a very baffling problem to mental health professionals.  The cause and cure have remained shrouded in uncertainty.

The disturbance and disintegration of personality known as schizophrenia or dementia praecox is frequently encountered by the deliverance minister.  I would estimate that as many as one fourth of those who come to us for deliverance are found to have the schizophrenic pattern.  The Lord has graciously given to Frank and Ida Mae Hammond a special revelation on the problem which enables us to deal with such cases more effectively.

The core of the schizophrenic is Rejection and Rebellion.

Schizophrenia always begins with Rejection!  It commonly begins in childhood or infancy and sometimes while the child is yet in his mother’s womb.  There are many causes for rejection.  Perhaps the child was not wanted.  It may have been the wrong sex desired by one or both parents.  The conditions in the home may have been unsettled.  There are many “doors” that lead to rejection. Did you want your children and were they the right sex? How about your parents?

 For example, suppose the schizophrenic nature is in the mother. The demons will pick out one or more of her children to feed down through.  The schizophrenic mother feels rejection.  She is the one who is primarily responsible for feeding love into the family. The rejection within herself creates problems in her relationships with the child.  The child is opened for rejection by the mother’s instability.

Now, one can have a rejection spirit and not be schizophrenic. In other words, it is in the matter of forming a personality. You can have a rejection spirit and still manage to form your own personality and be secure in yourself.

Rejection is the control demon in one of the personalities set up within the schizophrenic.  Rejection depicts a withdrawn type personality.  (It is a feeling within – it is agony within – it is a starvation of love – it is insecurity – it is inferiority – it is fantasy – it is unreality – it is on the inside – “I don’t share in this.”). Do you feel loved? Can you love others? Do you try to avoid contact with other people?

Sexual perversions represent an extreme attempt to overcome rejection.  Sexual experiences, real or imaginary, can never satisfy the need for genuine love.  They are the Devil’s substitutes for real love and leave a person ridden with frustration and guilt. Sex is not love; did you know that? How many one-night stands have you had in seeking love?

The person who has a deep sense of rejection feels insecure and inferior. Do you feel inferior?

Since the person has been rejected or fears rejection, he is driven to pamper self…to push self.  He is thereby trying to overcome feelings of rejection.  One who feels rejected wants to feel important!

NOTE: The Lesson on Rejection will flow into the lesson on schizophrenia which will be discussed in Session #7, because they are related.

Breaking Protective Devices/Mechanisms and Spirits



  1. Ancestral Curses
  2. Direct Curses
  3. Indirect Curses
  4. Self-Inflicted Curses
  5. Curses on any living or non-living entities
  6. Curses of Negotiation

NOTE: If the presence of the spirit(s) is related to a person, also break the following:

  1. Evil power, possession and authority of that person(s)
  2. Evil soul-ties with that person(s)
  3. Demonic subjection by that person(s)



  1. Block Deliverance Curse
  2. Ancestral Curse
  3. Direct Curse (With intent to curse a person)
  4. Indirect Curse (Without intent to curse, as you “dumb thing”)
  5. Self-Inflicted Curse
  6. Negotiation Curse (Compromise brings this curse) Curses on any living or non-living entities (See ties below, agreement curse, joint curses; two or more in agreement) Reinforcement Curse (Same curse spoken repeatedly) Controlling Curse, Gossip Curse, Jealousy Curse, Oppression Curse (Eternal Effect) Enforcing Demons Outside) Killer Curse (Leads to death) Hidden Curse (Covering over a curse), Poverty Curse, Bondage Curse (Bondage to Specific or general things, persons, etc., Servitude Curse, Slavery Curse; (Similar to Bondage Curse, More Specific), Fantasy Curse (Bondage to Non-realistic, Imaginary things), Fear Curse (Fobia Curse), Allergy Curse, Seasonal Curse (Over Allergies, Colds, etc.) Mental Suggestion Curse, Expectation Curse (Example: Expecting Menstrual Problems, etc.), Medical Curse (Prognoses, Dependency upon medical science), Medical schemes (Similar to typical curse), Witchcraft Curse, Occult Curse, Witch Coven Curse, Satanic Curse, Spanish – Indian Curse, Italian Curse, French, African, etc. (Includes Voodoo, Hexes, Vexes, Jinxes, Spells, Enchantments, Rites, Rituals, Covenants, Conjurings, etc. Cliche Curse (Local, Regional, National, Ethnic etc.), Mechanical Curse (Over mechanical things), Electrical Curse (Over electrical things), Curses by demons, Reversal Curse Prayers, Satanic Prayers, (From Christians Also), Psychic Prayers



  1. Between People, groups, animals, etc.
  2. With any living and/or non-living entities such as: living entities: relatives, boy or girlfriends, priests, ministers, psychiatrist, doctors, psychics, palm readers, witch, satanists, animals, and other living individuals.
  3. Non-living entities: Various objects such as a watch, photograph, necklace, article of clothing, or any other item owned by the captive or any article used in witchcraft.
  4. Ties between demons: (Disrespect and parental disrespect), breast cancer and cancer, death wish and death.
  5. Suicidal Wish and suicide
  6. Ties with evil past
  7. Ties of ownership (Person A sells body to person B)
  8. Deliverance ties (Two captives with the same curse and demons behind it tied to make deliverance difficult)
  9. Death ties
  10. Reinforcement ties (Many of the same ties)


  1. Satanic Seals
  2. Satanic Protective Shields


  1. Satanic Oppression
  2. Evil Oppression
  3. Curse of Oppression


Satanic Blood Covenants; Blood Sacrifices; Dedications; Declarations; Assignments; Schemes; Designs; Wishes.


Deceptive Schemes; Wiles, Devices, Designs


Roots, Holds, Etc. Low-life spirits, no name spirits and other supporting spirits


Evil Power, Possession and Authority of person(s)


Demonic Subjection by person(s)




1.         Lord help me to find my true personality.  Take me back to my childhood days and show me all the openings that came about through hurts, abuses and the absence of love,  so I can release those people that offended me and secure myself freedom from all emotional bondages that came in through my wrong response to being rejected, so that I can once more walk in who I really am and not the personality I now am.

2.         Lord remove the blockage, hurts from my life, so that your love can flow through me to influence the lives of others for you.

            Lord, flood us with your love so that we can be confident and fearless, for perfect love casteth out all fear. Lord your love is everlasting for me, continue to draw us to you with loving kindness.

Lord, I believe that your love was so great for me, that you sent your only son to die for my transgressions so that if I believe in Him, I should not die in my mess but live for all eternity with you. Teach me O Lord, how to continue in your love and help me to lay down my life for my friends as you did for me.

Lord deliver me from rejection so your love can begin to flow through me, so I can love my family (wife, spouse, children, etc.) Heal my brokenness, heal my children, destroy the devil’s kingdom in my life, so your love can be seen in my life. Amen.

Almighty God, I forgive those who have rejected me, been bitter against me, and have rebelled against me. Please forgive me for rejection, bitterness, and rebellion against others. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command the spirits to come out of the unconscious, subconscious and conscious mind. I command the families of rejection, bitterness, rebellion and other families to come out of me and bring their works with them as their names are called. Amen 



  1. Basic deliverance consists of setting a person free from three common demon families:

Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion, pg. 29-35 (Also common to Schizophrenia-pg. 31).

            NOTE: See list of envy and strife demons, pg.  36. List of Rebellion demons, pg. 33,

            Common demon grouping pg. 28.

  • Typically, a person first becomes hurt (wounded) rejected, then bitter, then finally rebels.  (Then other problems appear)
  • The most important key in setting a person free from these families is to get the person to forgive anyone that hurt him/her.
  • First, unforgiveness should be dealt with before the families of rejection, bitterness, and rebellion are cast out.
  1. Take them through a pre-deliverance session.
  2. Teach them what deliverance is. (Session #1)
  3. Signs that you may need deliverance. (Session #1)
  4. Deliverance is our commission.  (Session #1)
  5. Authority of the Believer. (Session #2)
  6. Take through the lesson of forgiveness. (Session #2)
  7. Teach them on manifestations? (Session #2)
  8. Rejection and Schizophrenia. (Session #6)
  9. Get the person to repent and release all those who have offended them. Select a Prayer of Repentance for harboring unforgiveness of your offender.





PRAYERS BEFORE DELIVERANCE General – When finished praying the prayers you have selected, close them in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. The following prayers spoken by the deliverance worker are meant to be guidelines, not a firm ritual to be followed, and contain elements we have found to be important:

NOTE: For those who have not yet been saved, and anyone else that is unsure of his salvation, it is very necessary to recommit and invite Jesus to  take up residence in your life before you engage the enemy in these serious warfare prayers.  Many people have made a confession of Jesus Christ as their Savior when they were not serious about it and so Jesus has not yet come in. The Lord knows everyone who is sincere when they invite Him to come, so let us once more prayer the sinners prayer.  Be not fearful to prayer this prayer more than once until you are fully satisfied that Jesus is inside of your life for you can see a definite change. 



 Dear Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God, I believe you came to this world in fleshly form (God Incarnate) You were birth of a virgin by the Holy Spirit. I believe that you walked this earth and healed the sick and raised the dead. I believe you died on the cross for my sins and the sins of the world, past, present, and future and that you were raised from the dead, should yourself unto your disciples, ascended into the heavens before eye witnesses and that you are at the right hand of the Father as our interceding High Priest and that you are coming back in the same way you went up.   Today Lord Jesus, I confess I am a sinner, I now ask that you come into my life and save my soul, make me to be one of your children Lord, I promise to serve you the   rest of my life and to be one of your obedient servants.  Thank you Lord for saving me in Jesus name I Pray, Amen.


“Heavenly Father, we thank You that You have brought (name of person) and this group (or myself) together in a prayer of deliverance and to do spiritual warfare. We ask You to send warrior angels to do battle for us in the heavenlies. We ask You through Your Holy Spirit to impress intercessors to pray at this time on our behalf. We thank You for sending protecting angels around us, above us and below us. Thank You, Jesus, for being here with us for You said that when two or more are gathered in Your name You are in the midst of them. Thank You for the spiritual authority to use Your Name against the kingdom of darkness. We thank You that the Holy Spirit is here to give us discernment and whatever gifts are needful.

We forbid any transference or communications of evil spirits between any of us here present. Father, we ask You to have the angels remove any evil spirits in the atmosphere assigned to hinder or interfere with this deliverance. We cut off all evil power sources directed toward us from the kingdom of darkness and from witches, wizards, sorcerers and other people used by the Devil for such purposes. We bind the strong man over this area and in each of the people here present. We ask that all strong men be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit.”

Binding Spirits – The following spirits marked with an asterisk (*) are usually bound for every deliverance, adding or subtracting as the Holy Spirit leads. At a later date these spirits should be cast out, but for the present they are bound while we cast out their subordinates. The other spirits listed are especially for those who have been in the Catholic system: Have you been in the Catholic faith or any of your ancestors?

“We bind Leviathan*, Schizophrenia*, Double mindedness*, Doubt*, Unbelief*, Confusion*, Deception* (especially in the ears where it attempts to strain out the truth), Mind Control*, Mind Occult* (comes in with medication and gives power to other spirits), Jezebel*, Death*, Witchcraft*. We bind Mind Bondage, Spiritual Death, Harlotry, Brain Washing, Babylon, False Doctrines, Religious Deception, Spiritual Darkness, Sorcery and Quenching the Spirit, in the Name of Jesus Christ (Matt. 16:19; 18:18).

We bind every evil spirit in this person separately so that they cannot help each other or hinder this deliverance. We command all evil spirits to come out decently and in order. We command violent spirits to come out meekly. None of you will hurt this person, anyone else or any property.” (You may ask the Father to have angels keep a person from violence. You may ask for assistance at any time during deliverance. This really works, Praise the Lord! If the person still gets up or wants to wrestle, it is the person himself not the spirit, and deliverance should be stopped until he is willing to cooperate.)

We forbid the spirits to move around in this person except to come out. We ask that the Holy Spirit put a wedge behind any spirit that manifests so that it cannot recede. We forbid any retaliation or backlash. We command all evil spirits that are cast out to go with the angels wherever Jesus wants them to go and they cannot return. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in immediately filling any vacancy left by evil spirits, so there is no room for them to return.”

Prayer Before Deliverance (OPTION #2)

(Personal deliverance or mass deliverance)

We ask God to send the Holy Spirit, the seven-fold spirit of God, warrior angels, ministering angels and twelve legions of angels. We ask the warrior angels to come with their flaming, sharp two-edged swords capable of dividing spirit and soul.

We ask God to surround us, cut off communications between the demons outside and the demons inside, and remove loose demons around us.

We bind fallen angels and demons and loose ourselves from them. We call for spiritual warfare to set the captives free. We bind forces of evil, and loose forces of good that we have the power and authority to do so. In Jesus name I pray

STEP #2                            Get the person to pray about their specific problems so that the                                           blood of Jesus can cleanse the people and take away their legal                                           rights that the demons have to remain so that God can act. 

      You must personally repent of your sins.


Dear Lord Jesus, I believe you are the son of God, I believe you died on the cross for my sins and you rose again from the  dead and that you are at the right hand of the Father.  Lord Jesus, your word says, in Gal. 3:;13 that you redeemed us from the curse of the law of sin and death, you blotted out all the ordinances that were written against us, and your blood cleanses me now from all of my sins even as I now forgive others who have wronged me or harmed me both the living and the dead.  I lay down all resentment Lord, bitterness, hatred, rebellion and in particular, I forgive them _____NAME THE PEOPLE___ and I give them all to you Lord. Lord Jesus I now ask you to forgive me and cleanse me by your precious blood, I accept your forgiveness and I chose to forgive myself, in Jesus name.


The Deliverance Minister should have the people repeat Moody’s Short Prayer out aloud with sincerity.


Lord Jesus Christ I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead, you redeemed me by your blood and I belong to you and I want to live for you.  I confess all my sins known and unknown, I’m sorry for them all.  I renounce them all.  I forgive all others as I want you to forgive me.  (Pause) Forgive me now Lord and cleanse me with your blood.  I thank you for the blood of Jesus which cleanses me now from all sin which takes away all the legal rights that the demons may have to remain so that you Lord can begin to restore me.  I come to you now as my deliverer.  You know my special needs, the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit, that unclean spirit – I claim the promise of your word, whosoever that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be “delivered”. 

I call upon you now in the name of Jesus Christ, deliver me and set me free.  Satan, I renounce you and all your works. 

I lose myself from you now in the name of Jesus Christ and I command you to leave me right now in the name of Jesus.  Amen


 Joel 2:12

Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and that you rose again from the dead and you are at the right hand of the Father.

Today Lord Jesus, I accept you and invite you into my life as my Lord and Savior.

– I repent and renounce and ask for forgiveness and I am sorry for every sin and all the ways I have offended you in, knowingly or unknowingly. I have sinned in thought, word, and deed. I have sinned in what I have done and what I have failed to do.

I come before you and ask for the grace of a deeply repentant heart. You know my most inner most secrets. I open my heart to you today and ask you to show me the ways I have blocked flow of your love. I repent of and renounce every sinful word that I have ever spoken or thought about you God, forgive me Father for all my transgressions, faults and failures. For all the times I have gone astray and not chosen life. I’m deeply sorry. I repent for a lack of faith, acting in fear instead of faith, unbelief in your goodness or lack of truly believing in your love for me. I also repent of and renounce every sinful word I have spoken or thought about my parents and any act that I committed that dishonored my father and my mother. I break every vow and every judgment I have placed on my father and my mother for whatever they did or did not do.

I ask forgiveness for sins against purity: lust, fornication, adultery, unclean books (novels, movies, videos and sexual fantasies) that I have watched/read.

Example: Involved in the occult. I tum away from all those activities now and I turn to you. (I deeply repent of having an abortion or encouraging someone to have an abortion). I acknowledge this as murder and I’m asking you to forgive me, in the name of Jesus.

I now break, I now break all curses brought on me by all these sins, I renounce all curses on me handed down by my family or prior generation. I do not choose to practice any sins of my parents or ancestors; I forgive them, I forgive my parents and ancestors for causing any curse to come upon me.

I repent of all my contacts with Satan and all his evil works, I renounce all involvement with witchcraft and the occult, I repent and renounce all demon spirits that I have allowed to enter my life. I repent of any compulsive, addictive behavior: drinking, drugs, gambling, illicit sex, fornication, food and all other addictions. Example: Shoppa Holic. Thank you, Father for setting me free. I repent of not taking care of my physical and emotional health: lack of balance in nutrition, rest and exercise; perhaps the unhealthy suppression of emotions. I make a commitment today to take care of myself.

I am sorry for the times I have released my anger against anyone to hurt them and also suppressed my anger to my own hurt. I repent for any stealing, lying, deceiving and defrauding action of mine. I regret any lack of affirming others, brushing people off, coldness, unloving and inconsiderate behavior. I’m sorry for gossiping, betrayal of confidence and all breaches of faith. repent of envy, hatred, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, rebellion, jealousies, criticizing

or judging others, not receiving love in the way it is offered and withholding expressions of love. In particular, I forgive:  WHISPER (the names in your hand, reach up and give; them to the Lord, don’t argue with Him, release them so you can be healed).

Also Lord I bring to you all the areas about which I am most ashamed, especially ______________

Lord, I will no longer hide them from you today, as I desire my healing and liberation. Father, I am now surrendering, committing my life afresh to you Lord Jesus, for you to work out your purposes in my life. know you love me very much and desire only good for me, so I place myself

in your loving arms to lead, guide, protect and fulfill my every need according to your divine will, In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

STEP #3      After the forgiveness of sins is taken care of hurts and sins, then break any demonic                    ties.  For example: Break curses of ancestors coming down through the generational                     line or soul-ties caused by sexual sin, or witchcraft control which are also demonic                 ties.



i.       Identify the name of the curse and the sin that caused the curse. EXAMAPLE:  (INCEST)

ii.       Forgive those that caused the curses for their sin against you in placing this curse on the family line.

              (Father, I forgive my ancestors for the sin of incest, opening the door for the demons of incest to come into my life, I pray that you grant them salvation, in the name of Jesus)

iii.          Repent and pray to God to take away the right for the curses to be in our lives.

              Father, I repent for committing incest, and according to 1 John 1:9, I receive your forgiveness in Jesus name.

iv.          Break the curse in the Name of Jesus Christ.

              I break, break, break the curse and bind every demon that came in with  incest until you are ready to be cast out.  The angels of God will be waiting to take you to dry waterless places or wherever the Lord wants you to go, in the name of Jesus.

            v.         I break, break, break all soul ties that came as a result of the curse and I  ask you Lord to restore the fragments of my soul and remove those  fragments in my soul that are not mine, place them back to where they  belong in the other individuals.  Release your angels to retrieve all the fragments of my soul and place them into their proper positions as they               were before Adam and Eve sinned. In the name of Jesus.

            vi.        Oh Lord my Father, heal my wounds and scars in the name of Jesus.

Any damage done to my body, soul and spirit, be reversed by fire in the name of Jesus.  Heal me O Lord and I shall be healed in Jesus name.


                  Discipline your life and sin no more.

STEP #5   Break curses and soul-ties, fragmented soul, mind, will and emotions; ask God to                 send out angels to restore anything that the demons have stolen.


Lord Jesus Christ, I forgive my ancestors and descendants and anyone else that has sinned against me.

I ask you to forgive and bless them with all spiritual blessings.  Forgive me for my many sins and I forgive myself for sins against my body.  I break all curses, charms, spells, jinxes, psychic powers, hexes, vexes and demonic ties that bind.  I break all soul-ties caused by witchcraft, sorcery, bewitchment, or sexual sins.

Lord Jesus, restore my fragmented soul; mind, will and emotions.  Send your angels out  to recover anything that  was stolen from me.

Lord Jesus, stir up the demons in my subconscious mind so that they can be identified and cast out.  All these things I ask in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ: My Lord, Master, and Savior.

I now take authority over Satan and all his forces of evil according to the whole word of God and command that you obey it, in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask these things. Amen



LORD JESUS CHRIST, thank you for dying for my sins, for your glorious resurrection and for making me a new creature in CHRIST by faith in your precious blood. Dear Lord I have a confession to make:

1.         I have sought supernatural experience apart from you.

2.         I have disobeyed your Word.

3.         I want you to help me renounce these things and cleanse me in body, soul and spirit in Jesus name.

4.         I renounce witchcraft and magic, both black and white.

5.         I renounce Ouija boards and occult games.

6.         I renounce seances, clairvoyance and mediums; ESP, second sight, and mind reading.

7.         I renounce fortune telling, palm reading, tea-leaf reading, crystal balls, Tarot and card laying.

8.         I renounce all astrology and interest in horoscopes.

9.         I renounce the heresy of reincarnation and healing groups involved in metaphysics.

10.       I renounce all hypnosis under any excuse or authority.

11.       I break any curse placed on my from any occult source in Jesus name.

12.       I renounce all curiosity about future or past, and which is outside Thy Will.

13.       I renounce water witching and dowsing, levitation, body lifting, table tipping, psychometry and automatic writing.

14.       I renounce astral projection and demonic skills.

15.       I renounce all literature I read in these fields and vow that I will destroy such books in my own possession.

16.       I renounce and break psychic and occult; cults that deny THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.

17.       I renounce philosophies that deny THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST.

18.       I renounce and bind evil spirits that bind and torment me.

19.       I break and renounce psychic heredity, and demonic holds upon my family line as a result of the disobedience of my ancestors I also break any bonds of physical and mental illness in Jesus name.

20.       I break renounce all demonic subjection to my mother, father, grandparents and human beings. I call upon THE LORD JESUS CHRIST to set me free.

21.       I have another confession to make, I have not loved but I have resented certain people. 

22.       I call upon you Lord to help me to forgive them.  I do now forgive (here we pause for several minutes while each person puts the names in there which the Lord brings to mind. Either of persons living or dead).

23.       I do now forgive myself.

Soul-Tie Prayer

ALMIGHTY GOD, I break and renounce evil soul ties with engagements, lodges, adulterers, close friends, husbands, wives, cults and binding agreements between buddies.

Forgive me for developing evil soul ties. I forgive those who would control me. I renounce these evil soul ties, break them and wash them away with the shed blood of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.


I pray that you would forgive me of sex with demons, rape, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, or anything else that would cause me to have a soul tie through demonic sex. Forgive me for having demonic objects in my home or office, and for having demonic ties to them. I forgive those who would try to control me through witchcraft, parental control after marriage, control by church leaders, or anyone who would try to control my God given freewill. Forgive me for trying to control others. Forgive me for making covenants and brotherhoods, for taking oaths binding me to others, and for any unholy allegiance. Forgive me for cursing myself, family, church, nation and God.

Thank you for Godly soul ties and my covenant with you. Please strengthen Your System in my life. Help me to cleanse my soul and body and have a right spirit. Give me spiritual strength, might and force to do your work.

We break demonic ties to parents; to individuals, religions and religious leaders (pastors), teachers, boss on  the job; fellow employees; tradition and cursed objects; the dead; places, animals, events, ritualistic practices to addictive habits, etc.; sexual relationships (make a list of all your sexual partners, if you don’t remember their names recall the place you had the sexual affair at. Example: In the car, on a certain road, at the beach, etc. ask the Holy Spirit to remind you) races, colors and creeds; doctors and hospitals; and self. We now break all ungodly soul ties to humans; demonic ties to objects or animals; curses, bondage, witchcraft, bands and yokes.  Command the families of soul and demonic ties, and curses to be broken.



I forgive my ancestors for creating bastards and committing incest and sexual sins. Please forgive me for the same sins. I break the curses of the bastard, incest and sexual sins on me and my descendants. I break soul ties from being a bastard and having incest committed on me. I ask that my fragmented soul be restored. I break unnaturally close friendships, blood covenants, pacts, covenants, promises and allegiances. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ: Lord, Master and Savior. I command the spirits to manifest, identify and reveal themselves. I command the families of sins of ancestors, and sexual sins and diseases to come out of me  as your name is called:

STEP #9  After breaking these curses and soul-ties, ask God to restore the fragmented soul-mind, will and emotions.

-Ask God to send out angels to restore anything that the demons have stolen.


Restoring The Soul And Stir up Subconscious Mind

You can insert the names of the person / persons that you are praying for, rather than your name in the prayer.

ALMIGHTY GOD, I ask you to send angels to gather and restore the souls of those on the Prayer Line (or my soul when personalized)  my soul to its rightful place in me. I ask for you to send your angels to unearth and break earthen vessels, bonds, bands and bindings that have been put upon my soul, willingly or unawares. I ask you to have them free my soul from bondage by whatever means is required. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is powerful and effective to do this.

I ask you to send your angels to gather and restore the pieces of my fragmented mind, will and emotions to their proper place. Bring them into their original positions perfectly as you planned them when you formed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Stir up the demons in my subconscious mind so that they can be identified and cast out.

I have power and authority that has been delegated to me. I break, cast out and return to the sender, the power of curses upon my head and soul.

STEP #10       After the restoration of the fragmented soul: Ask God to stir up the demons in the subconscious mind, so that they can be identified and cast out. 



John Chapter 10:10 tells us that the enemy has come to do three things; to steal, to kill and destroy. So what we’re going to do right now, we’re going to break the stronghold of death in our lives and we’re also going to break the curse of premature death. We’re going to break the assignments of premature death against us.

Heavenly Father, I repent of all my sins and the sins of my forefathers and foremothers back to the third, the fourth, even the tenth generation, and beyond. I ask for forgiveness for my involvement in the occult, witchcraft, divination, scheming to murder, poisoning, infanticide, killing of family members (brothers, sisters, parents, children, and all other relatives), abortion, miscarriage, birth control that control fertilized eggs, adultery, ceremonial or ritualistic sacrifices.  I nullify and renounce all invitations of death spirits into the family line. Also renounce death of man and death of: body, career, creativity, Relationships, blessings, happiness, spiritual life, joy, freedom, honor, marriage, spiritual riches, future, vision, prosperity, purpose, design, goals, desires of the heart. I repent and break all curses of: false martyrdom and dead works. I break all these curses and every death wish, oath or curse off myself, my family and all future generations in the name of Jesus Christ.

I break the curse of premature death, I break all plans of the enemy I break every assignment against my life due to accidents, random acts of violence, disease, cancer, suicide, clumsiness, fighting, dare devil acts, and speeding.

I break all curses of destruction and Abaddon.  I repent of all sins that allowed destruction to come into me and my family line. I also break and renounce all curses of Osmodeous, vandalism, malice, senseless destruction, willful destruction, joy of destruction, arson, graffiti, pillage, looting, and disrespect for the property and possession of others.

I break, every assignment of death, to my ministry, to my anointing, to my relationships, and to my marriage, and I renounce, the familiar spirit, the family spirit, the generational spirit, of death and destruction.  In the Mighty name of Jesus.  Amen!!!!




After the people have prayed and been led in prayer, Deliverance Minister takes spiritual authority over the meeting as follows:

Satan, we come against all powers now, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. 

We come against all demons inside and outside of anyone present, over this city, state, nation and world, in hell our out of hell.  The bible says, in Luke 10:18, we intend to exercise that power to set ourselves free. 

Satan we come against you by the power and the blood of Jesus Christ, by the word of God, and by the name of Jesus, and by the authority of the believer in the unity of our spirits. 

Satan, we tell you that we sit in heavenly places with our Christ Jesus.  We are over you, your fallen angels, your demons and all forces of evil. 

We command you to line up in rank and file and order and come out quickly.  We bind every power that you have and loose ourselves from you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ, we ask that you send the gifts of the Holy Spirit as needed to minister to the needs of the people/person and to accomplish what you want done here today.  We ask that you send legions of angels, warring angels, ministering angels, Holy Spirit and the Seven-Fold Spirit of God.

We ask that you cut off all communications between the demons outside and the demons inside of the people. 

We ask that you remove all demons in air around us.  We are careful to give you all the glory, honor and praise and credit for everything that is said or done.  We ask all these things in the blessed name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Master and Savior. 

And we take authority over Satan according to the whole word of God, in Jesus name we pray.  Amen.

NOTE: Summary of Deliverance Prayers – To be furnished later in stages for your use. (UNDER PRAYER BUTTON – DELIVERANCE PREP)


  1. Pray out loud for most power in the spiritual world.
  2. Working in personal deliverance, get the person to pray about their specific problems and sins.
  3. If you are working in mass deliverance, lead the group in form prayers. – There are many good deliverance prayers written or printed.
  4. A good selection of prayers to use in your meeting is also the “Moody’s Prayers”, chose Short, Medium or Long prayer.  

NOTE:  Some prayers are general and some have been written for special purposes – the ideal prayer is the one prayed by the individual to cover the specific area of that person’s life that is being ministered to at that time. The next best prayer is the form prayer which the person repeats after the deliverance leader.

NOTE:  Other prayers are for example, occult, confession prayer, general confession prayer, forgiveness prayer, soul-ties prayer, pride prayer, come to Jesus prayer, etc.

STEP #13     After Basic Deliverance, that is, the casting out of the families of rejection, bitterness and rebellion, then cast out spirits of cancer and arthritis.

                      Before we cast out the spirits, we will give a lesson on cancer and arthritis.



 1. LIST OF SCRIPTURE 2. ANALYSIS OF MATTHEW 5:44 3. ANALYSIS OF MATT. 18:21-35    1. Law of Forgiveness    2. Kingdom of Heaven Is Likened To    3. Value of Money    4. Value of Your Salvation 4. UNFORGIVENESS 1. Spiritual Bondage 2. Consequence of Unforgiveness 3. Pattern for Being Delivered and Healed 5. FORGIVENESS 6. TESTIMONIES 1. Earline’s Testimony About Indian Curses 2. Earline’s Testimony About Heart Condition 3. Earline’s Testimony About Eating 4. Our Testimony About Marie’s Broken Shoulder 7. GENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURES 8. Prayer for Cancer and Arthritis and Spirits 

 LIST OF SCRIPTURE Psa. 85:2Forgiven iniquity and covered sin – God. Psa. 86:5Ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy – God. Psa. 103:3 & 12Forgiveth all & removed as far as east from west – God. Isa. 1:18 Sins shall be as white as snow – God. Isa. 43:25Blotteth out and will not remember – God. Matt. 5:44Forgive your enemies – man. Matt. 6:14-15Forgive men or not be forgiven by God – man. Matt. 18:21-35Law of Forgiveness – man. Mark 11:25-26Forgive men or not be forgiven by God – man. Luke 17:3-4Rebuke man and forgive seven times a day – man. Eph. 4:32King, tenderhearted, forgiving as God does – man. Col. 2:13Forgiven you all trespasses – God. Col. 3:12-13Mercies, kindness, humbleness, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing and forgiving one another – man. Heb. 8:12Merciful to unrighteous and remember not sins – God. Heb. 10:17Remember not sins and iniquities – God. I John 1:9Confessing, forgiveness, cleansing from unrighteousness.

ANALYSIS OF MATTHEW 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. 1. Love your enemies. We do not have to love Satan! Love in a social or moral sense: beloved. Enemy is an adversary: foe. 2. Bless them that curse you. Speak well of: thank or invoke a benediction upon. Curse is to execrate to doom. 3. Do good to them that hate you. Do good honestly: full well. Hate is to detest especially to persecute. 4. Pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you. Pray earnestly for: supplicate. Despitefully is to insult slander and falsely accuse. Persecute is to pursue: to suffer. 5. Forgive your enemies; there are no excuses! Whites forgive blacks, blacks forgive whites and other races forgive each other. 6. You would have a lot fewer infirmities, weaknesses, sicknesses and diseases if you would forgive your enemies.

 ANALYSIS OF MATT. 18:21-35 Law Of Forgiveness 1. Forgive your fellowman 70 x 7 = 490 times. Actually, there is no limit to forgiving others. How would you like it if God only forgave you for 490 sins? 2. God sends demons to torment these with unforgiveness. 3. Tormentors are Satan and his demons. 4. Prison is being in jail with Satan as Warden and his demons as guards.

Kingdom Of Heaven Is Likened To The parable is: God (is The King), the Rich Man (is You); and the Poor Man (is anyone you  have not forgiven).

 Value Of Money Talent = 750 oz. of silver; Pence = 1/8 oz. of silver. 10,000 talents x 750 = 7,500,000 oz. = $52,800,000. 100 Pence x 1/8 = 12-1/2 oz. = $44.00.

 Value Of Your Salvation Your salvation is worth $52,800,000. Your unforgiveness is worth $44.00. This is a ratio of 600,000 to 1. God forgave you 600,000 times as much as you are willing to forgive others.

 UNFORGIVENESS Spiritual Bondage Generally a person’s demons can not be cast out if he has unforgiveness in his heart!

 This is the crucifixion of the flesh until you come to your senses and forgive your fellowman and then ask God to forgive you!

Consequence Of Unforgiveness The consequence of unforgiveness is the most important lesson that God has taught us about deliverance. The corollary is the importance of forgiveness.

 Cancer, arthritis and certain other diseases can come in through the sin of unforgiveness.  If you know a Christian with cancer and arthritis, see if they have unforgiveness.  They cannot be healed if the demons have a legal right before God to be there.

Pattern For Being Delivered And Healed Forgive ancestors, descendants and others, ask God for forgiveness, and forgive self.  Cast out the family of bitterness.  Cast out cancer and arthritis.  Anoint with oil and pray for healing. Try this pattern on all diseases: first do deliverance then pray for healing.

 FORGIVENESS (Conquering The Hosts Of Hell) Forgiveness is hard to give because it hurts to extend it to undeserving and hard-hearted ones.  To release a wrong doer instead of exacting a just penalty requires that we reach out in love, rejecting the temptation to hold bitterness and resentment. This is contrary to our natural inclinations, thus the old adage, To err is human, to forgive divine.

Forgiveness is not forgetting the wrong done; some hurts are so deep that this would be impossible.  We can forget the anger and hurt we felt, but the act is branded in our minds. Forgiveness takes place when the victim accepts the loss and/or injury done him and deliberately cancels the debt owed him by the offending person. This is an act of your will and God will honor it.

 Anger must be dealt with openly and honestly, not denied or ignored.  Either it must be vented in retaliation or the injured party must accept his own anger, bear the burden of it, and confess it in prayer to release himself and to set the other party free. Revenge always hurts the revenger far more than the one at whom it is leveled!

 In other words, our pattern must be the grievous and substitutionary death of Christ.  He willingly received the hurt and evil of the entire human race in His own body on the tree (I Peter 2:21-24) to pay the debt for our guilt.  He now offers what He has wrought as a free gift to undeserving and guilty persons so they can be free (Rom. 6:23; John 10:2830).

As nothing else will, forgiveness takes us into the mysteries of grace where God forgives unconditionally on the basis of the substitutionary payment by another (Mark 11:25-26).

 One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit’s work in a life is the quality of meekness.  It is a quality which is nurtured and abetted by practicing forgiveness.

This highly prized quality will cause us to be able to accept God’s dealings with us as good, without disputing or resisting them.  Meekness will also cause us to be able to bear one another’s burden’s cheerfully and for Jesus’ sake, enabling us to enter into the mystery of Christ’s sufferings.

 Because unforgiveness, and the resentment and bitterness it generates is so deadly, it is not optional, but necessary that it be dealt with.  Cancer and arthritis spirits definitely root into this fertile ground.  To be bitter and unforgiving costs far more than it is worth.

Husbands forgive your wives. Wives forgive your husbands. Children forgive your parents. In Jesus’ Name, I forgive my wife or husband my parents. Amen.

 TESTIMONIES Our testimonies are found in the Deliverance Manual and are illustrative of deliverance and healing. They were written by Earline or myself about our experiences.

 Earline’s Testimony About Indian Curses What are the effect of curses? I had a heart condition which was unusual.  It never occurred with regularity nor under any specific condition.

 While taking a tread mill test, I experienced tremendous pain in the chest, arms and neck.  Having been examined by a “heart specialist” in Minneapolis, who told me that my heart was good but he had written “death by heart attack” on many people’s certificates like myself.  These were people who didn’t really have anything wrong with their hearts.

 A year or so after my dad’s death I found my heart acting up again.  Sometimes one to five years would elapse between seizures. I began to ask God to show me why my brothers, dad, dad’s brothers and his dad all had heart problems.

He showed me Ezekiel 18 & Exodus 20.  He told me to repent for my ancestors and myself for the sin of idol worship in Leviticus 26:40-41.  The curse of idol worship follows the blood line.  I did these things and have been free for over eleven years.  I was only the second generation from previous generations that sinned before God.

 Earline’s Testimony About Heart Condition Earline’s Comments (How many of you have Indian Ancestors?) I had a heart condition which was unusual.  It never occurred with regularity or under any specific condition.

 God gave me a vision of a shaman or witch doctor at an elevated funeral pyre which was burning dead bodies. He was chanting and waving, and saying on the descendants and descendants. This was supposed to be a blessing, but in actuality was a curse, because Indians worship demons. This was a curse that came down on my family causing heart problems.

Gene’s Comments This is a sign of demonic symptoms of disease brought about by a curse. It doesn’t follow the medical guidelines. All they can say is that it is inherited.

Earline’s Comments While taking a tread mill test, I experienced tremendous pain in the chest, arms and neck.  I was examined by a heart specialist in Minneapolis who told me that my heart was good but he had written death by heart attack on many people’s certificates like myself.

Gene’s Comments These were people who didn’t really have anything wrong with their hearts physically but had a spiritual root to the disease. The prayer of faith will not heal a disease that has a spiritual root that must be dealt with as sin to be confessed. Then the curse can be broken and the person prayed for to be healed.

 God is beginning to show the Christian world spiritual roots of various diseases. Pastor Henry Wright of Molena, Georgia is a pioneer in this area. Also, Art Mathias who is in Anchorage, Alaska.

 Earline’s Comments A year or so after my dad’s death, I found my heart acting up again.  Sometimes one to five years would elapse between seizures. I began to ask God to show me why my brothers, dad, dad’s brothers and his dad had heart problems.

 God showed me Exodus 20 and Ezekiel 18.  He told me to repent for my ancestors and myself for the sin of idol worship in Leviticus 26:40-41. The curse of idol worship follows the blood line down to the descendants.  I did these things and have been free from these attacks for over twenty years.  I was only the second generation from previous generations of Indians that sinned before God.

 Gene’s Comments You have to forgive your ancestors and ask for forgiveness for yourself. Earline took her older brother, Clyde, through breaking the curse and he is still alive after a heart attack.

 Exodus 20 lists the Ten Commandments which are still applicable today. The scriptures about worshipping other Gods are verses 3, 4 and  5. This outlines the curse for idol worship which lasts three or four generations according to God’s purposes. (Does anybody know why God curses some sins for three generations and some sins for four generations?)

 Ezekiel 18 shows the equity of God’s dealings with us. The sin of idol worship is defined as eating upon the mountains (in the groves), lifting up the eyes to the idols (worship), and not walking in God’s statutes and judgments (disobedience).

This was a revelation of the sins of the ancestors that God gave Earline through prayer about why her family was plagued by heart attack and death by heart attack. This was primarily the men that were attacked but even Earline, a woman, was attacked. The revelation was the effect of the sins of the ancestors in her family coming through the Indians to cause heart problems and early death. The sin was disobeying the Ten Commandments of having no other Gods before you, which is idol worship, that the Indians committed. Up to that time, we had never heard about the sins of the ancestors.

 Earline had Cherokee Indian ancestry coming through her father and mother. We were raised in and around Chattanooga, Tennessee which was not far from Cherokee, North Carolina which had a demonic draw upon Earline. We were drawn to make a pilgrimage to the Smokey Mountains every year although we did not make it every year. In the fall, Earline would long to go to the mountains. After Earline was delivered from Indian spirits, she did not have that draw to go to the Smokey Mountains.

 When you are a person of mixed races, you inherit the curses coming down through the different races, languages, customs, religions and nationalities. If you have Indian ancestry and are Caucasian, you receive the curses from the Indians and the Caucasians.

 The curse would come from those ancestors that had sinned. This means that you can be cursed for ten generations (2046 ancestors) from both sides of your family.

Which of your ancestors didn’t sin or that you know didn’t sin? It is a good assumption that you have the curse of incest and the curse of the bastard on you. It could come from any of 2046 ancestors back to the tenth generation that sinned assuming it has not been properly broken. You will see the sin repeating itself generation after generation such as bastard after bastard.

 We worked with one Indian woman who was a Christian. She had a hard time getting free of Indian curses and demons brought upon her by her ancestral lineage and sexual abuse. She was cursed by being an Indian and by incest which is very hard on a woman being abused by her blood relatives.

Earline’s Testimony About Eating 1. I was sitting on the couch after eating a good breakfast. I had this urging to go and get more food, but I was not hungry. I asked The Lord why and He forced the demon within me to say, My name is “I Like To Eat”, go and get me some food. 2. After casting out the demon, I Like To Eat, I told God how I had tried dieting and I knew that was hopeless. 3. I was told Obedience is better than sacrifice, and I knew how to eat but was not doing it. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, not much meat and very little sweets is the basis of a proper diet. 4. Asked if I’d do what I was told, I assured God that I would. He said that food can be divided into two groups:  God’s and Devil’s.  Devil’s foods include sweets to excess, junk food, and liquids which are mostly empty calories.

5. It’s not bad manners not to eat sweets or any other food when you know your body has not used up the last meal.  I was intelligent enough to know if I truly needed food. 6. Here are the rules in summary:    a. Eat fruits and vegetables; include leafy greens.    b. Do not eat much meat – three or four servings weekly.    c. Don’t eat unless you truly need to.    d. Don’t let others stuff you.    e. Seldom eat sweets.    f. Almost never eat junk food.    g. Remember those whose God is their belly.    h. Cook all foods simply.    i. Use little fat and cut fat from the meat.

 Gene’s Comments 1. Earline lost about seventy pounds and weighed less than she did when we got married and before she had two children. She weighed 100 to 110 pounds which was less than Marie, our teenage daughter, who had not had any children. It was like having a new wife! 2. Do you realize that the body has enough energy for you to fast for forty days? Marie fasted for forty days on water taking only vitamins, minerals and supplements. 3. You must take care of your spirit, soul and body. You cannot neglect any part of your tripartite being and be in health. You cannot neglect your body and expect God to take care of it or heal you every time that you pray. One of Earline’s sayings is, If you don’t brush your teeth, God will let them rot out of your mouth. 4. Healing and deliverance go hand in hand. You can get healed by anointing with oil and praying the prayer of faith, or by casting out demons of infirmities. The Lord told me to take a person through deliverance and then pray for healing. You have a double possibility of getting the person healed. 5. Sometimes the demon of infirmity manifests as it is being cast out and you know that there was an infirmity demon in the person. If the infirmity is there because of sin, you won’t get healed by the prayer of faith, because the demon has a legal right to be there. You must take away the legal right and then cast out the demon.

 Our Testimony About Marie’s Broken Shoulder One Sunday after going to church, we decided to get Marie’s horse, King Fox, and go to the park.  After enjoying an afternoon in the sun, we told Marie to ride back and stable the horse so that we could go to Sunday evening services.  She rode thru the woods and we rode around the woods in our car.

 When we got back to the stables, the horse was tied up and Marie was lying in a car.  She had fallen off King Fox and broke her arm.  Her face was white and her lips were blue.  This shocked Earline and I, but we had the presence of The Holy Spirit, so we prayed for Marie; nothing happened outwardly.

 After putting the horse in the stable and Marie in our car, we headed for home.  We didn’t know whether to take her to the hospital or to the doctor or to depend upon God for

healing.  As we rode back home, the Lord quickened this verse to my mind, The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way (Psalm 37:23). I asked God to order our steps about what to do.

 After we reached home, Marie sat in the car and felt the bones in her arm.  She could feel the dislocated broken bones.  We called our family doctor, but he was out, and his backup was not to be found either, which was good because we sought The Lord about what to do, PRAISE GOD!

 Earline said that one of us should be in the car with Marie. I said I would go and went back to my study to get the anointing oil.  As I came out, Earline said, Go get your oil and pray for Marie.  God had given us a Word of Wisdom, one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit (I Cor. 12:8).

 We were familiar with anointing with oil and praying the prayer of faith. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. (James 5:14-15).  I then anointed Marie’s forehead, held her hand of the broken arm, and we all prayed again.  Her arm tingled and she could feel the bones moving within the arm, PRAISE THE LORD!

 We then took her to the hospital where she was x-rayed and attended by a bone specialist.  He was very talkative and showed us the x-ray.  He could see a complete break thru the shoulder socket.  The bone was perfectly set and a chipped bone was perfectly in place.  We told him about praying for her arm and he said that it was unusual to see that type of break and not have to set the bone.

He put a cast just past Marie’s elbow and said come back in three weeks.  Earline and Marie prayed that she would be completely healed by then.  He examined her and took another x-ray to prove she was not healed.  PRAISE THE LORD, she was healed, the cast was taken off, and she rode King Fox three weeks after the arm was broken!  Any doctor will tell you that it takes six to eight weeks to heal an ordinary break and longer for complicated breaks.

 We had memorized a verse in church the Sunday before the accident, Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh:  is there anything too hard for me? (Jer. 32:27). The answer naturally is, No!

 Since then I have heard of three other cases where God set the bones, I personally know two of the individuals.

 The Lord taught us a number of lessons: 1.   Anointing with oil is important to Him. 2.   Pray The Blood Of Jesus over your family every day.

3.   He will heal injuries as well as sicknesses. 4.   Be ready to pray at all times.

 To God be the glory, honor, praise and credit for everything that was done!

 GENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURES Work this lesson with Deliverance Manual or How To Do Deliverance Manual. I cannot say that all cancer and arthritis is demonic, but I can say that some is the result of sin. Holding Bitterness, Resentment, Hatred, Unforgiveness, Violence, Temper, Anger, Retaliation and Murder in your heart are sins in the Sight Of God and you will pay a bitter price for those sins. Either you forgive others or God will not forgive you. Arthritis and cancer take root in bitterness; this is fertile ground for diseases to grow in.

 When I was in Florida and Alaska, God showed me that we had setup a hospital with an operating room and a recovery room in the church to spiritually operate on the people in deliverance and healing. Think of this as God’s Hospital with His Operating Room and His Recovery Room. In individual deliverance, I have cast out cancer and arthritis spirits. I know they were spirits because they manifested when their names were called out.

 1. Anoint yourself, deliverance team and the patient with olive oil which is symbolic of The Holy Spirit. This is not magic. 2.Have one of the deliverance team open up with prayer. Train the deliverance team and give them a chance to minister. 3. Ask the patient about bitterness, resentment, hatred and unforgiveness against others, husband or wife, and themselves. 4. Ask the patient if they know of any open door for Satan to attack them with cancer or arthritis. Were there any traumatic events in their life that left scars especially in the emotions? 5. Ask the medical name of the cancer or arthritis so that it can be specifically called out. It is more powerful to call out specific rather than generic names of demons. They want you to call out their name, probably due to pride. It doesn’t do any good to say that I command every demon to come out of this person in The Name Of Jesus. 6. If it is female cancer, did she have an abortion? Breast cancer can be a result of an abortion. Female diseases can be a result of a promiscuous life style. 7. Ask the patient if the deliverance team and minister can lay hands on them. You need their permission and cooperation. 8. For more power, the deliverance minister shall place their hands on the front and back of the patient’s head while casting out demons. You can cast out demons from across the room. 9. Women can lay hands on women, and men on men in places where it would be inappropriate for the opposite sex to do so. Sometimes I will ask women to lay hands on a woman’s chest or stomach for more power. 10.Start with Basic Deliverance: Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion families. 11.After calling out a family of demons, have the patient take three deep breaths to help expel the demons.

12. Observe the manifestations of demons and alter the deliverance process as the need arises. Be led by The Holy Spirit. 13. Leave infirmities, weaknesses, sicknesses and diseases for last. Go after cancer and arthritis in particular. The unusual names are the spiritual names of demons known to them in the spirit world. Call out spirits of death. 14. If the situation is appropriate, take the patient through Fifty-Three Common Demon Groupings found in How To Do Deliverance Manual, Prayers And List Of Demons For Mass Deliverance or found in the book, Pigs In The Parlor. 15. Have one of the deliverance team pray the prayer of faith for healing. They need the practice of praying for others. 16.Have the deliverance team take the patient into the recovery room and continue working with the person so that you can start with the next patient. 17.In this manner of operation, the deliverance minister can work with a lot of people. Time periods can be two hours, one hour, thirty minutes or even fifteen minutes as the situation dictates.



Almighty God, I forgive my ancestors, descendants and others who have rejected me, bitter against me, and have rebelled against me. Please forgive me for rejection, bitterness and rebellion against others. I also forgive myself for entertaining hurts and unforgiveness against others. Lord, I accept the loss or injury done to me and cancel out and pardon all the offenses that were released against me. I accept my own anger and I bear the burden for it and ask you Lord to release me from the consequences for my anger for the offense done to me. I ask that you forgive the offender and save his soul and bless him, in the name of Jesus. Father you said in your word that I am to love my enemies, bless them that curse you and do good to them that hate you, pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you. Lord, I will love my offender. I also release all those that offended, abused or hurt me from birth. Heal me from those childhood traumas and scars so that your love can once more flow through me to influence the lives of others for you. Lord teach me how to continue in your love and help me to lay down my life for all those who rejected me, bitter against me and rebelled against me, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ.

I command the spirits to come out of the unconscious, subconscious and conscious mind. I command the families of rejection, bitterness, rebellion, cancer and arthritis and the other families to come out of me and bring their works with them as their names are called.

ARTHRITIS SPIRITS: (Proper Names of Demons) Bitterness – Root of Bitterness (cause of arthritis): Resentment, Hatred, Violence, Murder, Schizophrenia, Mind Binding, Memory Loss, Recall, Unforgiveness, Temper, Anger, Retaliation, Broken Relationships. Unforgiveness – cause of arthritis. Schizophrenia – Schizo, Damnable Seed, a commanding ruler: double mindedness Rejection – Lust, Fantasy Lust, Perverseness, Jealousy, Paranoia, Self Pity, Depression, Suicide, Guilt, Pride, Vanity, Loneliness, Fears, Attention Seeking, Inferiority, Harlotry, Unfairness, Withdrawal, Fantasy, Daydreaming, Timidity, Self-Awareness, Shyness, Sensitivity, Chattering, Nervousness, Vivid Imaginations, Fear Of Germs, Frustration, Impatience, Inordinate Affection For Animals, Intolerance, Insanity, Self-Rejection, Self-Accusation, Tension, Fear Of People, Compulsive Confession, Envy, Fear Of Judgment, False Compassion, Fear Of Rejection, False Responsibility, Despondency, Shame, Despair, Discouragement, Hopelessness, Condemnation, Unworthiness, Perfection, Ego. Rebellion – Fear, Accusation, Selfishness, Pride, Hatred, Resentment, Violence, Murder, Memory Recall Loss, Disobedience, Paranoia, Suspicion, Distrust, Persecution, Confrontation, Self Will, Projection, Stubbornness, Anger, Judgmental, Self-Deception, Self-Delusion, Self-Destruction, Unteachableness, Control, Possessiveness, Retaliation, False Beliefs, Anti-Submissiveness.

CANCER SPIRITS: (Proper Names of Demons) Termination, a ruler, in charge of terminal diseases. Optias: puts parasites and organisms into the body; also inserts cancer cells. Nimo, a controller: deceives, works with Cancer, Fungus & Self-Destruction. Blood Cancer (Leukemia) – Yondacola: leukemia. Breast Cancer – Cerulias, a ruler, controller Monroe: under Cerulias. Verico: mushroom growth type breast cancer. Taile: lymph glands of the breast. Colon Cancer – Blargy: colon cancer; infection of colon, colitis, diverticulitis. Cancer of Lymph Glands – Tatile: in breast. Stomach Cancer – Bozo: stomach infection, ulcers. Damulias, a prince: right breast. Arculias, a ruler: left breast. Aaile: lymph glands of breast. Moxie, Maxze: power over chest pains. Lukoliasn Lukolidus: pain in breastbone, sternum. Taegy: colitis. Blargy: infection of colon, diverticulitis, cancer of colon, colitis. Bozo: stomach cancer, stomach infection, stomach irritation, ulcers. Carpa: nervous stomach, ulcers.

STEP #14    A person may have become demonized while in the womb by sins of the ancestors for causes other than rejection, bitterness and rebellion.  If so, another approach is required.

i.          Firstly, this grown person now who was demonized in the womb should pray a prayer of forgiveness, forgiving his ancestors and ask God to forgive them and bless them if they are alive.  (Parents are also ancestors).  Then break the curse and ask the Lord to restore the fragments of my soul to its whole state.

ii.         After forgiveness of any hurt or sins, break demonic ties. For example, break curses of the ancestors or soul-ties caused by sexual sins or witchcraft control.

STEP #15       Use all the weapons of warfare in the bible against the demons.  These include reading scriptures to the demons, exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Word of Knowledge, Wisdom, Discernment, Faith, Healing and Miracles, etc.)  Causing the demons to reveal information against themselves.  Seeking discernment, praying to God in tongues, asking Jesus for help, and any other method that is helpful in gathering data.  Do whatever the Lord tells you to do even if you do not understand. INCLUDING MAKING DECLARATION COMMANDS, ETC.

STEP #16    Unforgiveness: Make sure the person forgives others by an act of his will which           God will honor, even if the person finds it difficult to forgive, God will accept their willingness to forgive.  (the person could be open for cancer and arthritis if not willing to forgive)

STEP #17    Before any deliverance starts, give person an opportunity to discuss his problems and his background (history) so you can get to know the person and properly minister to him.

STEP #18 After the deliverance has ended, (after casting out demon groups, etc.) Pray the restoration of the fragmented soul prayer.


This prayer may be prayed now at the end of the deliverance or at some other point according to the direction of the Holy Spirit. We believe it is important to pray it during or after each deliverance, as more and more of the demonic holds are cast off the person.


“Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and I ask You to send angels to gather and restore my soul’s fragments. With the full power and authority of Jesus Christ, I ask You to send Your angels to unearth and break all earthen vessels, jars, containers, bonds and bindings that have been put upon parts of my soul, willingly or unawares. I ask You to have the angels free my soul from all bondage by whatever means is required, and I agree and say, Father, that the Lord is all powerful and capable of doing this. Now, Father, I ask You to have the angels take out of my soul any evil portions or fragments of any other person’s soul and return the fragments to them. I ask You to have the angels collect and restore to its proper place all the pieces of my fragmented mind, will and *emotions. Bring them into proper and original positions perfectly as You planned them when You formed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, God’s Son.

          i.        Fill up all vacant spots with the Seven-Fold Spirits of God and godly spirits.


Lord Jesus Christ, we ask that you direct the angels to minister to our needs, we lose warring angels, ministering, protocol angels, security angels, evil angels, territorial angels, the Holy Spirit and the Seven-Fold Spirit of God. We lose legion of angels including the following godly spirits: Spirit of wisdom, Spirit of God, right Spirit, Holy Spirit, Free Spirit, Broken Spirit, Spirit of Princes, Faithful, Spirit, Good Spirit, Spirit of Grace, Humble Spirit, Excellent Spirit, Spirit of Elijah, Spirit of Holiness, Quickening Spirit, Patient Spirit, Spirit of Judgment, Spirit of Knowledge, New Spirit, Poor in Spirit, Spirit of your Father, Strong in Spirit, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Adoption, Spirit of Meekness, Spirit of Jesus Christ, Meek and Quiet Spirit, Spirit of Man, Contrite Spirit, Spirit of Counsel and Might, Spirit of the Ruler, Spirit of Understanding, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of the Holy God, Spirit of Grace and Supplication, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Life, Fervent in Spirit, Spirit of Faith, External Spirit, Spirit of Glory, Spirit of Prophesy, Spirit of the Living Creature.

          ii.       PRAY THE PRAYER OF BLESSINGS

                   –        In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray that the Lord bless you and                           keep     you; The Lord make His face to shine upon you, And be gracious  to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you  peace.  Num. 6:24-26

                   –           We pray that the Lord will supply your every need according His                                        unsearchable riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19

                   –           We pray that you will have the divine strength of God to do all things that                          are in His will through Christ, who is our strength. Phil. 4:13

                   –           We pray that you will prosper and be in good health, even as your soul                               prospereth. 3 John 2

                   –           May the Lord keep you always on the path of righteousness and holiness.

                   –           May the Lord bless you in your coming in and going out. Deu. 28:5-6

                   –           The Lord bless your basket and your store, may you never lack for any                               good thing.  Deu. 28:5

                   –           The Lord shall bless the fruit of thy body and the fruit of thy ground and                            the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of thy kine. Deu. 28:4

                   –           May the Lord open unto you His good treasure from the heavens to give                            the rain unto you land in his season and to bless all the work of thy hand                            and thou shall lend unto many nations and thou shall not borrow. Deu                           28:12

                   –           We declare and decree that the Lord will make you the head and not the                             tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shall not be beneath, as thou                             hearkens to the words of God’s commands, so shall it be unto thee.


                   Put on the whole armor of God so that you can resist the wiles of the enemy. Eph. 6:10-18

                   Refuse the thoughts that the demons give you and replace them with spiritual thoughts.  Phil 4:8

                   Always make positive confessions of faith.  Negative confessions characterize demonic influence and will open the door to the     enemy.  Mk. 11:23

                   Jesus withstood Satan’s temptation by using scripture. 

                   –        The word is a mirror to the soul.  James 1:22-25

                   –        It is a lamp unto the feet for guidance.  Ps. 119:105

                   –        It is a cleansing agent.  Eph. 5:25-26

                   –        It is a two-edge sword, laying bare the heart.  Heb. 4:12

                   –        It is food for the spirit.  1 Peter 2:2, Mk. 4:4

                   –        Deny yourself and take up your cross daily and follow Jesus.   Lk. 9:23

                   –        Develop a life of continuous praise and prayer which silences  the enemy. Pray in the spirit (in tongues). Eph. 6:18, Jude 20 and also in the understanding. 1 Cor. 14:14.

                   –        Pray without ceasing.  (1 Thess. 5:17)

                   –        Maintain a life of fellowship and spiritual ministry.  It is the sheep that wonders from the flock that is most endangered. 

                   –        Desire spiritual gifts and yield to their operations through you                       within the body of Christ.  (1 Cor. 12:7-14)

                   –        Commit yourself totally to Christ, determine that every though  word and action will reflect the very nature of Christ.  Faith and  trust in God is the greatest weapon against the devil’s lies.  Eph. 6:16

                   –        Always be in submission to God, that is, obey His holy                                 commands.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.


1, Fill yourself with the Word of God and be obedient to what the Word says. 

2, You become God possessed as you hear and do the Words of the Father. You become demon possessed as you hear and do the words of the enemy. (John 14:23)

3. Avail yourself of the Blood of Jesus.  Learn to ask forgiveness when you sin.  Learn to stand tall in His love and grace.  Satan must respect the blood (Rev. 12:11).

4, Take your freedom by faith.  This is your position, declare it, stand on the Word, get stubborn with the Devil, this is your heritage (Luke 10:19).

5. Resist the Devil, be sober and vigilant, resist steadfast in the faith, and he will flee from you (I Peter 5:8-10).

6. A loving spirit is needed.  Refuse to be hateful and mean; confess love (Matt. 5:44).

7. A forgiving spirit is needed. An unforgiving spirit lets the enemy on you again (Mark 11:25).

8. A tender spirit is needed.  Jesus did not bite back.  He was tender:  you be like Him.  Refuse to yield to the retaliation spirit; away with critical spirits.  Learn to recognize the striving spirit, it is from the Devil, do not yield to it; it will bring you into bondage again.  Learn to yield to the peaceable spirit; be a peacemaker.  Learn to exercise mercy and gentleness; these are Christ-like actions.  Remember any enemy spirit that you yield to will bring bondage.  Yield to Christ’s love, meekness and tenderness, and liberation comes (II Tim. 2:24).

 9. You must forsake sin lest a worse thing come upon you (John 5:14).


Have you been delivered from unclean spirits?  Praise the Lord (Eph. 6:12; Mark 16:17).

Walking in the Spirit after a deliverance is essential in order to keep a person free (Eph. 6:1417).

It may be that unclean spirits from which you are now free had been with you for a very long time.  In such cases, you can expect several weeks up to a year after deliverance during which the Lord will gradually heal your mind and emotions (Rom. 8:37).

In order to avoid the enemy’s snares, it helps to recognize some of his strategy.

The Scriptures say that Satan is the father of lies.  Even though they are now outside of you, unclean spirits still talk to you (John 8:36).

One meaning for the word Satan is accuser. You may find yourself feeling guilty for having had unclean spirits or for your past sins (Psalm 13:5).

The enemy may try to intimidate you with demonstrations of his power.  Don’t be frightened if things seem to go wrong for you for a while or if some symptoms from before deliverance seem to reappear.

You may find yourself tempted with old habits or behavior that doesn’t fit in with Christian life.  The Devil has a way of making the old times seem rosy to us just like he tricked the Israelites in the desert into missing the “leeks and onions” that they left behind in Egypt (John 10:10; Psalm 37).

Recognizing the enemy’s strategy is helpful but it does not win the battle for us.  It is more important that you learn and practice some positive principles that will enable you to gain ground quickly and hold it.  The following five points are easy to remember and will help you tremendously:

  1. Focus your attention on Jesus (Rev. 12:11).
  2. Allow the Holy Spirit to have His way with you (John 16:13).
  3. Immerse yourself in the Scriptures; the Bible is the written Word of God (John 8:31).
  4. Tell the Devil and his unclean spirits in Jesus’ name to go away and leave you alone.  Make it clear that you intend to follow Jesus no matter what (James 4:7).
  5. Hang onto other Christians.  The Christian walk is not a solo performance (Gal. 6:2).
  6. If  you  practice these  five  faith  principles,  your post-deliverance problems will be minimal and your progress steady (Luke 4:17-21).

          iv.       CLOSING PRAYER


1.         Bind any spirits that are left in this person) separately in uncomfortable boxes with the angels reading scriptures to them and the shekinah glory of God, shining    on them until this person receives more deliverance. If any evil spirit wishes to come out decently and in order, they may go with the angels that are waiting to take them wherever Jesus wants them to go.

  • All spirits that have come out during this deliverance must leave this person and    this area and go with the angels wherever Jesus wants them to go and we forbid you not to return. We ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom to fill every vacancy that now exists with godly attributes so there is no space for a spirit to return.
  • We forbid all retaliation, backlash and vengeance from evil spirits on this person   or family, property, finances, pets, or any of the deliverance workers, their families, properties, finances, or those that they pray for.
  • We thank the angels for doing battle for us in the heavenlies and for taking these   spirits away, we thank the Holy Spirit for wisdom to fill the vacancies and for healing any wounds left as the demons come out. We thank you Jesus for the use of your name and for your protective blood. We thank you heavenly Father, for your love and mercy from everlasting to everlasting.
  • We lose spirits of truth, deliverance, adoption, counsel, might, wisdom,  understanding and revelation knowledge of the word of life, etc. upon the person delivered.
  • We ask all the above prayers in the blessed name of Jesus Christ, Son of the Living             God, we praise Almighty God from whom all blessings flow. Amen.

            After the foundation is established, after completing the prayers, the last one being the minister’s exercising authority over the meeting, then you can proceed to use the variation prayers, commands, declarations, to loosen up and paralyze the devils in the individuals ALONG WITH BEGINNING TO CALL UP THE FOLLOWING GROUPS OF SPIRITS. IN THIS CASE WE WILL BE STARTING WITH REJECTION.  (START CASTING OUT THE FOLLOWING: Rejection Spirits, Bitterness, Rebellion and Unforgiveness.

The above steps could be used over the phone, in the home, in a church service, at the altar, in the prayer room or wherever the opportunity presents itself in public or private. 2. The above procedures can be varied to fit the situation or at the direction of the Holy Spirit.



  1. I renounce my sinful activities.
  2. I repent for my sins.
  3. I break soul ties.
  4. I confess that I am born again.
  5. 1 confess that JESUS IS SAVIOR, LORD, DELIVERER and HEALER.
  6. I confess that JESUS CHRIST has broken the power of the curse.
  7. I confess that I desire to be free.


  • Where are you located?
  • Do you have a right to stay?
  • We command that the right be revealed.
  • We command you to reveal how many demons are present.
  • We command you to tell us what their functions or assignments are.

l l .       We cancel the functions or assignments in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.

  1. What damage have you done to the body?
  2. We command that you restore the damage done and repair any disorder.
  3. We command the spirits to become one spirit, with no passing on of duties, and leave the individuals.
  4. We command the spirits to go into the abyss and never return in JESUS NAME. We pray anointing and protection for the individuals to help them to walk in continued freedom



  1. Pray out loud one or more deliverance prayers selected for the meeting or appropriate for the teaching preceding deliverance.
  2. Prayer Against Biblical Curses
  3. Prayer Against Soul Ties


1.         Exercising Authority Over the Meeting

2.         Prayers by Candidate

3.         Declarations of Who We are In Christ

4.         Binding and Loosing

5.         Declarations and Proclamations

6.         Commands

7.         Scriptures to be Read

8.         Praying in the Spirit

Taking Spiritual Authority Over The Meeting

*1. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions (fallen angels and demons), and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19). We come against powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.

2. We bind up all the demonic realm, north, south, east and west and all elements of the occult and witchcraft in the earth, wind, fire water. We command you to be quiet and not interfere and shut up during this deliverance renunciation session and Lord I ask you to hold back any interference from the demonic realm, weather inside or outside of the candidate.

*3. We come against demons inside or outside of anyone present, over this city, state, nation and world, in Hell or out of He11. we come against you  by THE POWER AND BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, by THE WORD OF GOD, by THE NAME OF JESUS; by the authority of the believer, in the unity of our spirits, to set ourselves free. We sit in heavenly places over Satan, fallen angels, demons and forces of evil. We command you to line up in rank, file and order, and come out quickly. We bind the power that you have and loose ourselves from you in THE OF JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth.

  • Lord I come to you now on behalf of, _____________ I call for your warring angels to come forth  and do warfare on behalf of _________________ Satan, I bind your powers in the name of Jesus Christ over ______________now. I bind and cast out the demon gods, Baal, Belial, Hubaal, Nemhrod, Apollo, Zeus, Marduk, Beelzebub, Osiris, Tammuz, Dagon, Hermes, Baphomet, and Pan and all other names Satan goes by!! I command them to go now in Jesus name. Lord, release your spirit and the water into the camp of every strongman holding your daughter/son in bondage in Jesus name.
  • I put the blood of Jesus against them at the root at which they came in!! I close those doors now and I seal them with the blood of Jesus, and I send them to Jesus Christ of Nazareth for judgment and forbid them to come

back in anyway shape or form to harass your daughter/son anymore!


*7. Lord Jesus Christ, we ask that you send the gifts of the Holy Spirit to minister to the needs of the person and to accomplish what you want done here today. We ask that you send legions of angels, ministering angels, the Holy Spirit and the seven-fold Spirit of God. We ask that you cut all communications between the demons outside and the demons inside of the people. We ask that you remove all demons from the air around us.

*8. Father we are also asking that you send mighty angels to guard vehicles and property and the families of those present here and remove all dark powers from over this meeting. We ask all these things now in the blessed name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Satan, I command you in the name of the Lord Jesus, to go You don’t have an option. When I call your name, you must come out in the name of Jesus and by the precious blood of the Lamb. They have come here to be freed, they love the Lord Jesus, they belong to Him, you are trespassers, you are interlopers, your grounds and legal rights have been destroyed and canceled.
  • This morning, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ and the authority vested in me, in Luke 10: 18, Jer. 51:20, Ps. 27:1-2 and with the confidence that God’s mighty hands are at work on my behalf, seen in Jer. 1:19, Isa. 59:19, Isa. 54:17 1 bind and cast out the strongman of and all the spirits of/or that came through(Rejection, etc.)


Since I am in Christ, by the grace of God, I have been justified, completely forgiven and made righteous.

I died with Christ and I died to the power of sin’s rule over my life. Ro- 5: 1-6

I have received the gift of the Lord into my life that I might know the things freely given to me by God, 1 Cor. 2:12

I have been given the mind of Christ. (1 Cor. 2:16, 1 Peter 4:1-2) I have been bought with a price, I am not my own, I belong to God 1 Cor. 6:19-20

Since I have died, I no longer live for myself but for Christ. 2 Cor. 5:14-15 *

I was predestinated, determined by God to be adopted as God’s son/daughter. Eph. 1 :5, Gal. 5:24-25, Heb. 2:10, John 1:12

I’ve been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins, the debt against me has been canceled. Col. 1: 14

I am firmly rooted in Christ and I am now being built up in Him.

I have been given a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Tim. I:7

I have been made complete in Christ. Col. 2: 10

I have been buried, raised and made alive with Christ. Col 2:12-13 I have direct access to God through the spirit.

I died with Christ and I have been raised up with Christ. My life is now hidden with Christ in God. Christ is now my life (Col. 3:1-4).

I May approach God with boldness, freedom and confidence (Eph. 3:12)

I have direct access to God through the Spirit (Eph. 2:18)

My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 6:19, I will give no space to the enemy.  Eph. 4:27; I have overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony, for I love not my life unto death.  Rev. 12:11


  • To destroy spiritual idols, sacrifices, alters, temples and counterfeits within and without.

We now exercise our authority:

  • Seize the kingdom of heaven and take it by force from you Satan.
  • Cast out the demons and their works. Eject, drive out, pluck out, thrust out, expel, rebuke and censure you, admonish, send away, put out, loosen your holds, break up nests and put off the works of demons.
  • We exercise power (Lk 10:18, Lk. 9: 1, Matt. 18:18) authority, mastery, superhuman force and control over the works of the enemy, we command you in the name of Jesus Christ and by the blood to obey and subordinate yourselves. Come up and loose her now, come out of her and loose her now in the name of Jesus.
  • We break the power of cursed objects, hex signs, demonic toys, and games and objects, infested by demons.
  1. We break all curses coming down the family line and the mother and father’s side, going back ten generations.
  2. We bind that spirits that cause spiritual blindness now.

l. We put a hook in your nose, a cord around your tongue and we bore a thorn  in your jaw (Leviathan-Job. 41 WHEN UP AGAIINST A SERPENT)

  • We bind the strongman in the heavens over the people, the church, the community, the county, the city, the state, the nation and the world, in hell and out of hell (person, family, house, city, etc.) 5. We command all strongmen of and their nest of spirits to come out now by the fire of the living God and through the blood of Jesus. The fire of the Lord is now burning you a thousand times hotter than hell. Come out now in the name of Jesus!


1. I say unto you Satan, we dry up your waters, seize livers and springs. We stand on the word of God and in the authority of God and cause a drought over your land. Pass over to Chittim, you shall find no rest, the fire of the Lord is roasting you now and the blood of Jesus is ejecting you, rise up and come out! The angels of the Lord will escort you to dry, waterless places where you shall find no rest. 2. Lord we ask that you send angels and fires from heaven to dry up the waters of death operating in and through these strongmen.


Forces being directed in and upon the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST in wiles, fiery darts, onslaught and every conceivable deception about doctrine which they are capable of planning.

Eph. 6:10-18

The Whole Armor Of GOD

Strong in THE POWER OF THE LORD, having done all to withstand and stand, loins girt about with truth, having on the breastplate of righteousness, feet shod with the gospel of peace, above all taking the shield of faith, quench all the fiery darts, take the helmet of salvation and the sword of THE SPIRIT,

What is amazing is that GOD said CONCERNING THE WORK OF MY HANDS COMMAND YE ME. [WORK (act/ deed, doing); HANDS (open, power? means, direction); COMVIANP ( precept, appoint, commandment, send a messenger, send with commander, put or set in order, give a charge or command)] I am amazed that GOD would allow us to order THE WORK OF GODS HANDS. This is very powerful because GOD is all powerful (omnipotent).

Matthew 10:7-8

We are to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out devils.

Matthew 18:18

We are to bind and loose on earth what is bound and loosed in Heaven. We bind and loose, and restrain and destroy.

Mark 16:17 We will cast out devils in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST and speak with new tongues by THE HOLY SPIRIT.

 Luke 10:19

I have been using Luke 10:19 to bind and loose all the power of the enemy which is The Kingdom Of Evil.

Power: I have combined those verses in the Declaration for power.


Almighty God is omnipotent (power). Omnipresent (present), omniscient (knowledge,) and omnificent (creative). He is all, complete, •universal, unlimited/ He has authority, influence, power, presence, knowledge, awareness, understanding, insight, creativity.

Concerning the work of my hands command ye me. We exercise authority over the work of God’s hands; We ask God of things to come concerning his sons and daughters.We have truth, righteousness, gospel of peace, faith, salvation, sword and perseverance. We are strong, withstand, stand, quench darts, praying, watching and supplication.

For we strive – engage & combat – force & move) against the kingdom of evil$ all the power f the enemy. principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.

  1. Satan, I’ll have you know, my mind is being renewed by the word of God, I pull down the strongholds I cast down the imaginations and I bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor- 10:4, Ro. 12:2
  2. I declare and decree, I am accepted in the beloved, if God is for me, who can be against me, nothing can separate me from the love of Christ. Ro. 8:35:39.
  3. Satan, you are a defeated foe, the Son of God came into the world to destroy your evil works, no longer will you oppress me/candidate. I defeat you by the power of the blood by the word of my testimony, not loving mv life even unto death, come out bv the blood of Jesus, we are fully submitted to God. I resist you now in the name of Jesus and all your hierarchy chain of command,
  4. I’ll have you know that I have no place to fear in my life. That which a man fears comes upon him, the fear of man bringeth a snare but perfect love cast out fear. I sought the Lord, and He heard us and delivered me from all my fears. We are all covered by the blood of Jesus, your legal rights have been canceled, come out of him now in the name of Jesus. (2 Tim. 1:7, 1 John 4:18, Ps. 34.4)






Make positive confessions to God and to each other about living our life for Christ. Some of these types of statements follow:

  1. We forgive everyone that has hurt or sinned against us, and we pray for our enemies.
  2. We exercise honesty – humility – repentance – renunciation – forgiveness – prayer – warfare.

3. We seize the Kingdom of Heaven and take it by force from Satan.         

  • We overcome Satan by the Blood of the Lamb, by our testimony for Jesus Christ, and we love not our lives unto death.
  • We close doorways for Satan in the occult, addictions, sexual impurities, demonic healing, demonic religions, rock music, inheritances and any others known or unknown.

If the Demons Do Not Leave

No demon can resist the name of Jesus or disobey the Word of God when they are being used properly in deliverance. If this happens, then they have a legal right before God to remain.

You must search out this legal right and remove it. The person being ministered to must do their part! Generally, the right to remain has to do with what other people have done to that person or what that person has done to himself The most common ground is unforgiveness. Other common grounds are sins of ancestors or anyone who had authority over that person, or the personal sins of that person.

Father in heaven, I ask for legions upon legions from heaven in the name of Jesus, to be Stationed around us, angels of the Lord at the command of Jesus, attack every strongman and his roots, fruits, and other spirits of (Rejection, etc.) I command all demons not to transfer but to go exactly where Jesus wants you to go and do not come back.


                                   FURTHER PRAYERS OF COMMAND

  1. Satan, we serve you notice that we are using the power of God given to us to wrestle, bind, loose and command the kingdom of evil and all the powers of the enemy principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.
  2. We bind and subdue Satan’s empire of (Ex. Rejection)
  • I send armies of warring angels to attack you now and we use every verse of the Holy Bible that will war against all demonic forces of (Rejection) to rise up now and come    out of her/him.
  • Father your word says, concerning the work of my hands, command ye me.
  • We command the devils forces to destroy themselves now by the blood of Jesus, we take dominion over you Satan as we are clothed in the whole armor of God. We are His designated representatives here on this earth.
  • We close all demonic doorways to you demons. We use the word of God written and spoken against the forces of evil.
  • We exercise dominion over nations and kingdoms and we return ever curse and weapons formed against as your legal rights have been cancelled off of them.
  • We renounce all oaths taken by our ancestors which bound their descendants.
  • We renounce national sins and the bondages; we break the curses associated with the            iniquities and the inheritance.
  1. We force every demon of (Ex.: Rejections) into open combat with other demons, we split their army and destroy the kingdom of Satan of  (Rejection)
  1. We command civil war in Satan’s kingdom.

17       Every demon of we command you to confuse and sow terror  and panic among yourselves, in the hearts of those practicing, New Age, occultism, witchcraft and satanism that has affected my life and hindered me from  walking in my freedom.

18.      We return whatever has been sent to attack us, including the strongman  of his supporting evil spirits. We command them to return and attack their senders and destroy each other. 19. We declare that every form of evil that was intended to be done to us, we command it to be done to the senders.

  • The blood of Jesus forces out every spirit of _________________ rise up and come out of            her/him in Jesus name.
  • In the name of Jesus, Satan I let you know once again, her/his sins have been forgiven and I remit the sins of this person.
  • I cut every fowl spirit of from this person with the sword of the Spirit!

FURTHER COMMANDS                                                                      

  • We order the princes and rulers to be bound with chains, thrown down before the other spirits and their foreheads to be written in red letters that Jesus Christ is my Lord.
  • We command the lesser to attack the traitors in the camp and throw you out now, as your names are called, come out now in the name of Jesus.
  • We release that spirit that attacked the Midianites in Gideon’s day.
  • Satan, you already know you are defeated by Jesus Christ who rose victoriously over death          hell and the grave.
  • We declare that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Phil. 4:13
  • We declare that one of us can chase a thousand demons and two ten thousand. Josh. 23:10
  • We declare that we are a flaming fire.
  • We have been commanded of the Lord to command the works of God’s hands, we use the             keys of the kingdom of heaven to open, to bind and to lose. Matt. 16:19, 18:18
  • I send the Holy Spirit fire all over the room, the floor and the sealing, fire from head to toe            (Repeat, Repeat) hotter, Repeat.
  • Every evil spirit that hears my voice, I command you to tell the truth in Jesus name. Tell us your name in the name of Jesus. How long have you been there*What have you been   doing inside, How many are inside, do you have a legal right to be there?
  • Every evil spirit that hears my voice, I force you by the blood of Jesus also, by the angels of God that have been commission by the Lord Jesus Christ to attack the strongman and  do not stop in the name of Jesus. Attack each other and destroy your own kingdom in Jesus name.
  • I loose burning judgment and destruction upon you all in the name of Jesus.

45.      I trample on you demons and shatter your being by the power of the blood., Up and Out, go! The angels are pulling you right now to dry waterless places where you will never return again.

  • Warrior angels, hook into the demons of rip them apart, send them to the abyss or wherever the Lord will have them send you, in the name of Jesus.







  1. TYPE LISTING OF SCRIPTURES AND KEEP HANDY. (Spiritual Warfare: Mark 16:17, Luke

10:19, James 4:7, Rev. 12: 11, Eph 6:10-18, 2 cor 10:3-5, 1 John 4:4-14) (Against Ruler

Demons: Hate Ps 64, Gal 5:22-23, 1 Thes 4:8, Prov. 10:12, Luke 10:17. Phil 2:1-2, 1 John

3:14) (Pride: Prov 3:34, 15:25, 16:18-19, Prov 29:1, 23, Prov 13:10, 21:23-24, Ja 4:10) (Self

Pity: Ne 8:10, Ps 50:23, Phil 4:11-13-19, 1 The 5:18) (Fear: Jos 1:9, Ps 107:2, Heb 13-6, Isa 44:2-3, Ps 56:3) (Fear of Man: Jos 1:5, 10:8, Prov 29:25) (Rebellion: Eph 5:21, 1 The 5:18,

Prov 17:11, Ro 12:1-2, Phil 2:5-8, 2 Tim 3:1-3, Ro 13:1-2) (Lust: Isa 52:11, Matt 5:8, 1 cor 3:16-17, Eph 5:3, 2 Tim 2:22) (Unbelief: Mark 11:23-24, Mark 16:17-18, Gal 2:20, 1 Pet 1:6-7, John 6:29) (Rejection: Ps 16:5-8, Ps 91:1-2, Ps 23, John 4:10, Eph 1:4-6) Passages to study on related subjects.


*         Search out this legal right and remove it.

           –           The person being ministered to must do their part also.

*         Generally, the right to remain, has to do with what other people have done to that person or what the person has done to himself.

*         The most common ground is un-forgiveness, sins of ancestors or anyone who had            authority over that person or the personal sins of that person.


•          Demons tend to cluster in family groupings.

      –    The Thesaurus can be amazingly helpful as an instrument to identify demons within a      specific category.

          When the spirit is forced to manifest his name, located m the thesaurus, it becomes a tool to uncover his supportive network of demons. This method has been tried and proven;   many hard cases have been successfully dealt with through this means.



Father in heaven, in Jesus name, please send your Holy Spirit to fill us up now, in the name of Jesus. Father in heaven, I ask for your legions upon legions from heaven in the name of Jesus to be stationed around us, everyone here on the prayer line.  Angels of the Lord, at Jesus’ command, attack every unclean spirit now and tear them out as their names are called, in the name of Jesus. I bind principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness and all the strongmen demons in the name of Jesus.


All demons not to transfer but to go exactly where Jesus wants you to go and never return again.  I cancel all demonic assignments on every soul here on this prayer line. 

     Break all curses of death. Renounce and break every curse of premature death, and I break every assignment of the enemy against my life, including accidents, random acts of violence, disease, cancer, suicide, clumsiness, fighting, dare devil acts, speeding, murder 1 BREAK EVERY ASSIGNMENT OF: abortion, miscarriages,

1 ALSO RENOUNCE AND BREAK EVERY ASSIGNMENT OF DEATH TO MY: ministry, relationships, marriage, spiritual life, emotions, finances.





*    1 BREAK ALL CURSES SPOKEN BY ANY BUDHAST MONKS, OVER MYSELF    AND MY FAMILY THAT COULD CUASE ME/ US: to never find peace, to always be angry, to have a wondering spirit.






58.   We make declarations and proclamations and vows for God and against Satan and                    his fallen angels and demons.

59.    We command the forces of good and the forces of evil by the authority given unto                       us.

60.      We command, we fight, we do spiritual warfare and follow the pattern of Jesus Christ.

61.      We declare and decree, no spiritual or human force can stop these prayers and commands.            We tear down Satan’s kingdom through the word of God that we stand on. We evict you,       spirits of _________ by the fire of the blood of Jesus.

62.      We bind and order every demon of _______ to return to their senders, escorted by angels to destroy seats of witchcraft. I command the demons to confuse and sow terror and panic in the hearts of witches, warlock, wizards.

63..     Once again Satan, we serve you notice, according to Luke 10:18, Matt. 10:7-8, Lk 9:1, Jer.            51:20 We have power over you devils of  ________ in the name of Jesus Christ. Rise up and come out of them now, the fire of the blood of Jesus, burns you up and roast you, burn you up a thousand hotter than hell.  Come out!

64..     I have authority to commission the legions of angels in God’s army to come to our            assistance to force your fallen angels and earthbound devils to attack and destroy the kingdom of darkness and to destroy each other and to shake up your kingdom of evil. 

65.      We command every demon of rejection and all your related families and works to come   out now in Jesus name.

66.      We use the sword of the Lord to sever demonic ties (between the spirits of rejection and   the principalities, rulers, territorial spirits),ley lines (lines of energy, telepathic            communication), silver cords (astral projection, soul travel, bi-location) of anyone who would travel into our presence through communications, crystal balls, or by their souls and  spirits.  We break all demonic balls, cords, bowls, picture, wheels used against anyone on the prayer line.

67.      We bind and cast down Satan, angels, demons, strongmen, strongholds over new age, occultism, witchcraft, Satanism demonic arts: principalities, powers, rulers of  the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places; all demonic might, kingdoms, thrones, dominions, nobles, princes, kings; masters, spirit guides; mind  control, mind occult, mind binding spirits; witchcraft, sorcery, incantation,    necromancy; Eastern mysticism, reincarnation, transcendental meditation, soul travel; martial arts, yoga; demonic inner healing; crystal helpers; bodiless spheres  of light; visualization, universal intelligence.

67.      We bind restrain, loose and destroy; (Demonic Practices: new age, occultism,          witchcraft, satanism, (denying the existence of personal God), I am god; you are  god, universe itself is god, apostate Christianity; One World Government —   Religion — Finances; obtaining: fame — power money.

       Spiritual healing, psychics, mediums, chancellors; sects, cults; religious and  occultic philosophies; pantheism, animism, free masonry, theosophy, illuminati, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Babylonian pagan religions; palm reading,  tarot card reading, past life therapy, spiritual counseling; evolution as gods,  goddesses; swamis, gurus, yogis, demonic teachers;

* Astrologers, mystic path, mysticism, ascetic lifestyle, yoga, meditation; mother  earth gala, shamanism; kundalini energy; universal oneness, worship of Lucifer, occultic inner circle.

 Occult knowledge, esoteric truth; ancient mysteries, the Christ; Luciferin age of Aquarius; the plan, the great work of ages; world servers; masonic religion of evolution; divine aspects of man; dark magic arts

68. We press into and violently take the kingdom of heaven by force. We come against Satan, his fallen angels and demons in the first and second heavens that destroy Christians, Jews and mankind. We make declarations, proclamations and vows for God and against Satan. We command the forces of good and the forces of evil by authority given to us by Jesus Christ. We command, fight, do spiritual warfare and follow the pattern of Jesus Christ. No spiritual or human force can stop these prayers and commands. We tear down Satan’s kingdom through the word of God.


  • WE REVERSE SATANIC SUPERNATURAL POWER  AGAINST CHRISTIANS FROM: demonic prayers, blasphemy,  (contempt), execration and imprecations (cursing), invocations, (conjuring), profanity (language), retributions, (punishment).
  • * We Reverse harm, afflictions, injury, evil misfortune to those  who sent them.
  • We break and return curses:
  • We command demons that have been sent to attack us to attack the senders.
  • We ask the angels to return and destroy witchcraft.
  • Every evil thing that they want done to us, we command that it be done to them.

57.     Go to the stronghold you are dealing with, have them renounce the stronghold you are working on and its manifestations and fruits (listed) or any other    demons you are working with, for example: rejection, bitterness, etc.

Rejection: Fear of Rejection, Self-Rejection.

Bitterness: Resentment, Hatred, Unforgiveness, Violence, Temper, Anger, Retaliation, Murder. Rebellion: Self Will, Stubbornness, Disobedience, Anti-Submissiveness. Diseases: Cancer, Arthritis and diseases that come in through Bitterness.


Feelings of being Rejected, Refused, Repudiated, Declined, Denied, Rebuffed, Repelled, Renounced, Discarded, Thrown Away, Excluded, Eliminated and Jettisoned.

Rejection, Poor in Spirit, Pride – Ego – Vanity, Double Mindedness, Fear of Rejection, Self

Rejection, Roots of Rejection, Ahab Jezebel Complex, Destruction of Family Priesthood, Dominance,

Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Rebellion, Withdrawal, Over permissive, Too Harsh,

Lying, Guilt, Distrust, Inability to Communicate, Witchcraft Control, Ugliness, Schizophrenia,

Anger, Rejection from the Womb, Smoking, Drinking, Dementia Praecox, Instability, Agony, Inability to Give or Receive Love, Insecurity, Inferiority, Fantasy, Unreality, Sexual Perversion, Frustration

Passive-Aggressive Behavior, Lack of Confidence, Repression, Co-Dependency, Ignominy,

Disappointment & Guilt, Anti-Social Disorder, Vexation, Introversion, Inhibition, Lashing Out, Abuse of Self & Others, Dysfunction, Projection, Addictions, Sex for Love, Depression,

Emotional Instability, Anger, Bitterness, Intense Emotional Pain, Shame, Anxiety, Overcompensation, Negativism, Dejection, Sadness / Crying, Work-A-Holism, Eating Disorder, Over-Sensitivity, Fear, Afraid to be Alone, Hysteria, Mistrust, Humiliation, Grief, Intensive

Emotional Pain, Over-Protection, Overweight, Oppression, Eating disorders, Suicide, Isolation,

Betrayal, Torment, Emotional Trauma, Feelings of Rejection, Phobia, Loneliness, Emptiness,

Neurosis, Grandiosity, Abandonment, Social Isolation, Emotional Victimization, Deception,

Psychological Victimization, Denial, Hopelessness, emotional Callousness, Murder, Bashfulness, Disrepute, Disesteem, Discredit, Worthlessness, Insignificance, Disgrace, Emotional / Psychological Rape, Perversions, Need for Approval / Validation, Dishonor, Suspicions, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, False / Non-Expectations, Discrimination, Segregation, Exile, Eviction, Scorn, Shun, Ignore / Neglect, Insecurities, Disapproval, Repudiation, Comparison,

Favoritism, Dysfunctions, Feeling of Not Being Wanted, Nobody Loves Me Syndrome,

Justification of Inappropriate Word / Behavior, Sabotage of Relationships / Organization / Self / Purpose / Destinies, Low Self-Worth, Self: Pity, Depreciation, Consciousness, and Fulfilling Prophecy. Prenatal Rejection (Conception not desired for various reasons this rejection is usually by the father, mother, siblings, grandparents and also by others) Rejection in the womb by father, mother, siblings, family, relatives, husband, wife, spouse, son, daughter, church, members, church members, friends, peers and or any other persons, groups, including employers, employees, institutions. Rejection for: father, etc.


 I BREAK THE CURSE OF REJECTION from the womb and any curses of illegitimacy that may be upon me or my family, even back to Adam and Eve on both sides of the family, in Jesus name.

I revoke and denounce all rejection, rejection curses, perceived rejection, rejection in the womb curses,  I revoke and denounce all inner vows and bitter root judgments, spoken over me or any of my ancestors in Jesus name.  I denounce all iniquities and negative emotions over myself and all my ancestors, including: anger at God, mental, physical, verbal, emotional and sexual abuse, bitter  root, jealousy, envy, un-forgiveness, grief, shame, false guilt, anger at rejection, shame of rejection and abandonment.  

I break the stronghold of Rejection and its manifestation and fruits of: Rejection by others, rejection of others, rejection of God, depression, misery, unbelief, COME OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!! REPEAT COMMAND AS YOU HAVE WITH THE OTHERS.  And ask the Heavenly Father, to lose into me and each person prayed for, the spirit of adoption and other godly spirits to counter and cancel the evil ones. Matt. 18:18. Mk. 16:18, Ro. 8:15.






LUST: Fantasy Lust, Perverseness, Harlotry (2)

REJECTION: Fear Of Rejection, Self-Rejection, Fear Of Judgment (1) SELF ACCUSATION: Compulsive Confession, Self-Hatred, Self-

Condemnation (3)



FALSE COMPASSION: False Responsibility (4)

DEPRESSION: Despondency, Despair, Discouragement, Hopelessness, SUICIDE GUILT: Condemnation, Unworthiness, Shame

PERFECTION: Pride, Vanity, Ego, Intolerance, Frustration, Impatience, Anger





TALKATIVENESS: Nervousness, Tension

FEARS: People, Insanity, Germs,


Sorrow and Grief, Weariness, Walking in Excess, Excessive Morning, Inner Hurts, Torn Spirit, Insomnia,

Broken heartedness, dejection, Rejection from the Unfairness of Life, Self-Destruction, Anxiety, Gluttony,

Bulimia, Anorexia, Loneliness, Heaviness, Depression, Results from Sexual Abuse, Lack of Praise, Unpacified Emotion, Suppressed Emotions (Fear, Anger, Violence, Hatred, Murder), Chemical Imbalance, Familiar Spirits of: Heaviness, All generational Spirits of Heaviness, Insecurity and Abandonment. I renounce the spirit of rejection while in the womb through violence or the threat of abortion, through childbirth, (through traumas)

By not bonding with the father or mother at birth, the desire to die and give up, childhood hurts and abuses at home or school. Hurts and abuses at church and church splits, through separation and divorce, through death of a loved one, by betrayal and a broken engagement, by loss of jobs.

Through guilt or shame or by abandonment, through a familiar spirit of rejection. The familiar spirt, the generational spirit of: mental illness, paranoia, insanity, madness, mania, retardiness, senility, hallucinations, fear of judgment, insecurity, inferiority.

Unforgiveness, self-condemnation, attention seeking, pride, unteachable, self-awareness, timidity, shyness, loneliness, lust, (weds a person to the world for love) fantasy lust, harlotry, perverseness, sexual impurity, false love, depression, defeatism, dejected, morbidity, (paranoia phobias and fears), (demonic control of others: parents, mates, pastors, etc.)

Domination, witchcraft, possessiveness, conniving, manipulation, indecision, double mindedness, procrastination, compromise, confusion, forgetfulness, indifference, apathy, unfairness, (no one treats them fairly)



CONFRONTATION: Suspicion, Distrust, Persecution, Fears (PARANOIA) (5)


REBELLION: Disobedience, Anti-Submissiveness





ROOT OF BITTERNESS (Three main areas: Rejection, Rebellion, Bitterness)

Temper, Double-Mindedness (Schizophrenia or Double-mindedness are Control Spirits)

Hesitating, Dubious, Irresolute, unstableness, unreliability, uncertain, paranoia (strong area — paranoid schizophrenic — rooted in fear) Jealousy, envy, suspicion, distrust, persecution, fears, confrontation, many voices, insensitive confrontation, with honesty at all cost, delusions, false grandeur, omnipotence, false beliefs.

Control, possessiveness, unteachableness, pride, judgmental,



Lord Help me to find my true personality, take me back to my childhood days, show me all the openings that came about through hurts, abuses and the absence of love. So I can release those people who offended me and secure for myself, freedom from all the emotional bondages that came through my wrong response to being rejected. So that I can once more walk in who I really am and not the false personality that I now am.


Purge my soul O Lord, so that I can be pure, so that I can look forward to your resurrection hope, that when you appear, I shall be like you. Lord, have your way in my life, let your abiding presence grow in me continually, till your manifested presence is seen in me.


Lord, remove the blockage, hurts from my life so that your love can flow through me to influence the lives of others for you. Lord, flood us with your love so that we can be confident and fearless for perfect love casteth out all fear. Lord your love is everlasting for me, continue to draw us to you with your loving kindness. Lord I believe that your love was so great for me that you sent your only son to die for my transgressions, so that if I believe in him, I should not die in my mess but live for all eternity with you. Teach me O Lord, how to continue in your love and help me to lay down my life for my friends as you did for me. Lord, deliver me from rejection, so your love can begin to flow through me, so I can love my family, wife, spouse, etc. Lord, heal my brokenness, heal my children, destroy the devil’s kingdom, so your love can be seen in my life. Amen.


Almighty God, I forgive those who have rejected me, been bitter against me and have rebelled against me. Please forgive me for rejection, bitterness and rebellion against others.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I command the spirits to come out of the unconscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind. I command the families of rejection, bitterness and rebellion and all other families to come out of me and bring your works, fruits, roots with them as your names are called.


I break the curse of rejection from the womb and any curses of illegitimacy that may be upon me or my family even back to Adam and Eve on both sides of the family. I break the stronghold of rejection and its manifestations and fruits of: LIST AND CALL OUT THE SPIRITS IN THE


Pray and ask the Heavenly Father to lose into me and each person prayed for: the spirits of Adoption, the Seven-Fold Spirits of God and godly spirits to counter and cancel evil ones. Matt. 18:18, Mark 16:18-19, Ro. 8:15

We bind, paralyze and cast out rejection and all your evil fruits. You witchcraft control demons, binding any other spirits in any person, particularly those involved in smoking, drinking and sexual lapses, we break your hold off of them and command you to lose the people and come out.


Rejection Fear of Rejection  Self-RejectionBitterness Resentment Hatred UnforgivenessRebellion Self-will Stubbornness 
                                                      Violence Temper Anger Retaliation MurderDisobedience Anti-submissiveness  


Bitterness Resentment Hatred Unforgiveness Violence Temper Anger Retaliation Murder   Rebellion Self-will Stubbornness Disobedience Anti- Submissiveness   Accusation Judging Criticism Faultfinding   Rejection Fear of Rejection Self-Rejection Insecurity Inferiority Self-Pity Loneliness Timidity Shyness Inadequacy Ineptness Passivity Funk Indifference Listlessness Lethargy   Depression Despair Despondency Discouragement Defeatism Dejection Hopelessness SuicideBickering Argument Quarreling Fighting   Control Possessiveness Dominance Witchcraft   Retaliation Destruction Spite Hatred Sadism Hurt Cruelty   Sensitiveness Self-Awareness Fear of Man Fear of Disapproval   Persecution Unfairness Fear of Judgment Fear of Condemna- tion Fear of Accusation Fear of Reproof Sensitiveness   Mental Illness Insanity Madness Mania Retardation Senility Schizophrenia Paranoia Hallucinations   Paranoia Jealousy Envy Suspicion DistrustDoubt Unbelief Skepticism   Jealousy Envy Suspicion Distrust Selfishness   Withdrawal Pouting Daydreaming Fantasy Pretension Unreality   Escape Indifference Stoicism Passivity Sleepiness Alcohol Drugs   Perfection Pride Vanity Ego Frustration Criticism Irritability Intolerance Anger   Competition Driving Argument Pride Ego   Impatience Agitation Frustration Intolerance Resentment CriticismHeartache Heartbreak Crying Sadness Cruelty   Heaviness Gloom Burden Disgust   Worry Anxiety Fear Dread Apprehension   Nervousness Tension Headache Nervous Habits Restlessness Excitement Insomnia Roving   Sexual Impurity Lust Fantasy Lust Masturbation Homosexuality Lesbianism Adultery Fornication Incest Harlotry Rape Exposure Frigidity   Cults Jehovah’s Witnesses Christian Science Rosicrucianism Theosophy Urantia Subud      
Death Insomnia Morbidity   Strife Contention    Persecution Fears Confrontation Confusion Frustration Incoherence Forgetfulness    False Burden False Responsibility False Compassion Grief SorrowLatihan Unity Mormonism Bahaism UniUrianism (Lodges, societies and social agencies using the Bible and God as a basis but omitting the blood atonement of Jesus Christ)    
DeathVANITYAddictive & ComFetishes
  Indecision Procrastination Compromise Confusion Forgetfulness Indifference   Self-Deception Self-Delusion Self-Seduction Pride   Mind Binding Confusion Fear of Man Fear of Failure Occult Spirits Spiritism Spirits   Mind Idolatry Intellectualism Rationalization Pride Ego   Fears (All Kinds) Phobias (All Kinds) Hysteria   Fear of Authority Lying Deceit   Pride Ego             BitternessSelf-Righteousness Haughtiness Importance Arrogance   Affectation Theatrics Playacting Sophistication Pretension   Fatigue Tiredness Weariness Laziness   Infirmity (May include any disease or sickness)   Inheritance (Physical) (Emotional) (Mental) (Curses)     Hyper Activity Restlessness Driving Pressure   Cursing Blasphemy Coarse Jesting Gossip Criticism Backbiting Mockery Belittling Railing       Bickeringpulsive Nicotine Alcohol Drugs Caffeine Medications Gluttony   Gluttony Nervousness Compulsive Eating Resentment Frustration Idleness Self-Pity Self-Reward   Self-Accusation Self-Hatred Self-Condemnation   Occult Ouija Board Palmistry Handwriting Analy- sis Automatic Handwriting ESP Hypnotism Horoscope Astrology Levitation Fortune Telling Water Witching Tarot Cards Pendulum Witchcraft Black Magic White Magic Conjuration Incantation Charms    DoubtEtc.   Religious Ritualism Formalism Legalism Doctrinal Obsession Seduction Doctrinal Error Fear of God Fear of Hell Fear of Lost Salvation Religiosity Etc.   Spiritism Seance Spirit Guide Necromancy   False Religions Buddhism Taoism Hinduism Islam Shintoism Confucianism Etc.   Covetousness Stealing Kleptomania Material Lust Greed Discontent   Guilt Condemnation Shame Unworthiness Embarrassment         Heartache
Resentment Hatred Unforgiveness Violence Temper Anger Retaliation Murder   Rebellion Self-will Stubbornness Disobedience Anti- Submissiveness   Accusation Judging Criticism Faultfinding   Rejection Fear of Rejection Self-Rejection Insecurity Inferiority Self-Pity Loneliness Timidity Shyness Inadequacy Ineptness Passivity Funk Indifference Listlessness Lethargy   Depression Despair Despondency Discouragement Defeatism Dejection Hopelessness Suicide        Argument Quarreling Fighting   Control Possessiveness Dominance Witchcraft   Retaliation Destruction Spite Hatred Sadism Hurt Cruelty   Sensitiveness Self-Awareness Fear of Man Fear of Disapproval   Persecution Unfairness Fear of Judgment Fear of Condemnation Fear of Accusation Fear of Reproof Sensitiveness   Mental Illness Insanity Madness Mania Retardation Senility Schizophrenia Paranoia Hallucinations   Paranoia Jealousy Envy Suspicion DistrustUnbelief Skepticism   Jealousy Envy Suspicion Distrust Selfishness   Withdrawal Pouting Daydreaming Fantasy Pretension Unreality   Escape Indifference Stoicism Passivity Sleepiness Alcohol Drugs   Perfection Pride Vanity Ego Frustration Criticism Irritability Intolerance Anger   Competition Driving Argument Pride Ego   Impatience Agitation Frustration Intolerance Resentment CriticismHeartbreak Crying Sadness Cruelty   Heaviness Gloom Burden Disgust   Worry Anxiety Fear Dread Apprehension   Nervousness Tension Headache Nervous Habits Restlessness Excitement Insomnia Roving   Sexual Impurity Lust Fantasy Lust Masturbation Homosexuality Lesbianism Adultery Fornication Incest Harlotry Rape Exposure Frigidity   Cults Jehovah’s Witnesses Christian Science Rosicrucianism Theosophy Urantia Subud      
Death Insomnia Morbidity   Strife Contention      Persecution Fears Confrontation Confusion Frustration Incoherence Forgetfulness    False Burden False Responsibility False Compassion Grief SorrowLatihan Unity Mormonism Bahaism UniUrianism (Lodges, societies and social agencies using the Bible and God as a basis but omitting the blood atonement of Jesus Christ)   


Lord Jesus Christ, we ask that you direct the angels to minister to our needs, we loose warring angels, ministering, protocol angels, security angels, evil angels, territorial angels, the Holy Spirit and the Seven-Fold Spirit of God.

We lose legion of angels including the following godly spirits: Spirit of wisdom, Spirit of God, right Spirit, Holy Spirit,

Free Spirit, Broken Spirit, Spirit of Princes, Faithful, Spirit, Good Spirit, Spirit of Grace, Humble Spirit, Excellent Spirit, Spirit of Elijah, Spirit of Holiness, Quickening Spirit, Patient Spirit, Spirit of Judgment, Spirit of Knowledge, New Spirit, Poor in Spirit, Spirit of your Father, Strong in Spirit, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Adoption, Spirit of Meekness, Spirit of Jesus Christ, Meek and Quiet Spirit, Spirit of Man, Contrite Spirit, Spirit of Counsel and Might, Spirit of the Ruler, Spirit of Understanding, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of the Holy God, Spirit of Grace and Supplication, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Life, Fervent in Spirit, Spirit of Faith, External Spirit, Spirit of Glory, Spirit of Prophesy, Spirit of the Living Creature.


 i.  Pray a prayer of blessings.

ii. Counsel the person about how to walk out his deliverance.

 iii.  Hand him a copy of confession for overcomers. Who I am In Christ. GET COPIES!!!!


16.       NOTE:  It is good if teaching is done on lessons example, Basic Deliverance, Deliverance is a Commission, Sins of Ancestors, Forgiveness, What Deliverance Is and Is Not, Soul Ties, Manifestations, Emotional Healing, or Curses, before deliverance is carried out.

17.       After counseling, anoint with oil and pray for any healing needed or for scars in the body where the demons left. (INNER HEALING) Get material on Inner Healing also.




PIGS IN THE PARLOR by Frank and Eda Mae Hammond