(Compiled by an unknown author)

AEROMANCY: Divination by concentrating upon cloud shapes, and other phenomena.

ALCHEMY: The magical power or process of changing a common substance usually of little value into a substance of great value, with the aid of a mysterious psychic substance.

ALOMANCY: Divination by salt.

AMULET: A charm or ornament often inscribed with a magical spell or sign to protect the wearer against evil or to aid him. Usually worn around the neck or •wrist.

ANIMISM: Belief that inanimate objects are alive and have souls

ANKH: Looks like a cross with a ring shape at its top. Used in satanic rites. Dangerous to keep.

ANTHROPOSOPHY: Founded by Rudolf Steiner, has as its aim the exploration of human nature. It involves exercises in concentration designed to lead to the mastery of thought and will and to arouse the latent occult forces in man. Believe man is reborn every 800 years.

APANTOMANCY: A method which forecasts from chance meetings with animals, birds, and other creatures. Practiced in various types of Mexican voodoo.

APPARITIONS: Sometimes called a Spector; is a vision of a spirit in a strange or wonderful and often horrible form 0

APPORTS: The appearance and disappearance Of objects in a Closed room, etc.,

ASHERAH: Images of the Canaanite goddess, Asherah, whose worship was lewd (1 Kings 16:29-33 RSV).

ASTRAL PROJECTION: Soul leaves the body and travels on a different plane of consciousness.

ASTROLOGER: One who forecasts the supposed effects of the positioning of heavenly bodies upon human affairs and earthly events (Isaiah 47:13, 14).

ASTROLOGY: • Fortune—telling by the stars or the zodiac. Prognosticator and Observer of Times.

AUGURY: The art or practice of foretelling events by reference to natural signs or omens in the sky or in the livers of animals, etc. (see Leviticus 19:26—28 RSV).

AUTOMATIC WRITING: Writing under a trance induced by spirit or demon powers; the spirit writes.

AUTO—SUGGESTION: Suggestion arising from within oneself rather than from an out— side source.

BAAL WORSHIP: The worship Of the foreign god Baal which was prohibited by God (2 Kings 21:2-6).

BAHA’ISM: Seeks to take best of all religions and combine them; does away with the

Blood of Jesus

BAPHOMET (GOAT OF MENDES): Satanic symbol – the goat’s head.

BEWITCH: To influence injuriously by witchcraft (Acts 8:9-13).

BLACK ARTS: Witchcraft; magic.

BLACK MAGIC: Refers to the art of producing supernatural effects by direct league with Satan and demons

BLACK MASS: A blasphemous ceremony mocking the Christian mass.

BLOOD SUBSCRIPTIONS (OR BLOOD PACT): Signing a pact with Satan, usually in your own blood or animal blood.

BOTONOMANCY: Divination by burning tree branches and leaves

BURNING INCENSE UPON THE HILLS (IN GROVES): A practice used in the worship of heathen gods (2 Kings 23:5, 10) .

CARD—LAYING: The art of fortune—telling by playing cards. Cartomancy.

CARTOMANCY: Fortune—telling with cards.

CAUSIMONANCY: Divination from objects burning in a fire.

CEPHALOMANCY: -Divination using the skull or head of a donkey or goat.

CERAUNOSCOPY: Divination from the study of thunder and lightning.

CEROSCOPY: Divination in which melted wax is poured into cold water.

CHAIN LETTER: Letter of questionable nature sent to several persons with a request that each send copies to an equal number. It may be used to psychically compel a person: since the usual rewards for compliance are material wealth or power, and refusal to comply is met with a curse or future bad luck or even death.

CHARM: Ornament believed to contain magical powers Put a spell upon someone; to affect by magic. Deut. 18:11, Is. 19:3

CHARMER: An enchanter or magician (Deut. 18:11). Serpent Charmer.

CHARMING: To put a spell upon.

CHIROMANCY: Divination by examination of the hand; palmistry,

CHIÜN: Called also Remphan; a god of the Phoenicians, whose worship was abominable to God (Amos 5:26t 27).

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Promotes idea of healing by mind over matter, a kind of mental therapy in which the supernatural is said to operate.


CI.AIRAUDIENCE: The power to hear spirits not heard by others

CLAIRSENTIENCE: Able to diagnose illnesses, usually using some form of psychometry.

CIAIRVOYANCE: A medium having the alleged supernatural power of seeing objects or actions beyond the of natural vision.

CLIDOMANCY: Divination using a dangling key which answers questions,

COIN FLIPPING: Superstitious means of making decisions by the side of a coin faced up,

COLOR THERAPY: Basically, a form of RADIETHESA using colored threads for diagnosing or determining treatment of illness.

CONCEPT THEPAPY: Form of psychic self—improvement similar to such mental sciences as Unity and Christian Science.

CONTROL SPIRIT: medium’s personal familiar spirit which encourages, enlightens, and speaks through him in the things of the psychic world of evil spirits.

CONJURE: To summon a departed demon spirit, often by incantation.

CONSULTINC A MEDIUM: Seeking aid or information from one who contacts evil spirits (1 Samuel 28:3-9)

COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: “To be In tune with the Universe” an expression used by people spaced out by drugs or meditation.

CRYSTAL GAZER: Person who uses a crystal ball for divination. Form of Mirror Mancy.

CULT: Any religious teaching denying the Blood of Christ.

CURIOSITY: Any curiosity about the past or future not in God’s Will.

CURSE: Incantation for harm to come upon someone.

CUTTING IN THE FLESH FOR THE DEAD: A heathen practice, including tattooings, gashes, castrations, etc. usually done in mourning for the dead and to propitiate deities but forbidden to the Israelites (Lev. 19:28)

DEATH MAGIC: A practice to pass the illness of the living on to the dead.

DEMONONMANCY: Divination using demons.

DIRECT VOICE: While in a trance, the medium’s vocal apparatus is taken over by his control spirit or another spirit, and the words and inflections that come forth are in a totally different voice than the medium t s.

DIVINATION: Foretell future event or discover hidden information by means of reading omens, dreams, the use of lots, necromancy and so forth (Deut. 18:10, 2 Kings 17:17, Jer. 27:8-9, 29:8-9, Acts 16:16-24).

DIVINER: One who uses false means to discover the divine will of God.

DOWSE: To use a divining rod (most commonly to find water or oil); water—witching.

DREAMS: Be sure to check for the source. Use the same test as you would for prophesy,

DREAMER OF DREAMS: Expression used to describe some false prophets who pretended to receive revelation from God through dreams, or who received information in dreams from a demonic source and said it was from God (Deut. 13:1—5)

DOCTRINES OF DEMONS: (1 Timothy 4:1, 2).

ELEMENTAL SPIRITS: Heathen deities and beliefs; sinister angelic powers & demonic spirits Gal 4:3. 9 RSV). King James Version calls them “elements” and “rudiments.”

ENCHANTER: One who uses the human voice or music to bring another person under physic control. Lev. 19:26, Deut. 18:10-12, 2 Chron. 33:6, 2 Kings 17:17, Isa. 47:8-11, Jer. 7:8-9, Dan. 1:20

ENCHANTMENTS: The use f any form of magic, including divination (Deut. 18:10). The act of influencing

by charms and incantations and the practice of magical arts. 2 Chron 33:6, 2 Kings 17:17, Isa. 47:8-11,

Jer. 27:8-9, Dan. 1:20

ECTOPLASM: A substance held to produce spirit materialization.

ESP (EXTRA SENSORY PERCEPTION): Perception or communication outside of normal sensory activity, as in telepathy and clairvoyance.

EIDETIC IMAGERY: Relating to voluntarily producible visual images (by psychic means) having almost photographic accuracy.

EVIL EYE: Control or manipulation with a stare.

EXCURSIONS OF THE PSYCHE (SOUL EXCURSION): Certain psychic clairvoyants claim that their souls can leave their body and travel great distances at their command.

ETHERIC BODY: Apparition in visible form.

EYE-DIAGNOSIS: Assert that diagnosis of illness by merely looking at the person’s eyes.

FALSE APOSTLE: Any person claiming to be a genuine minister of God, but possessing no divine commission, nor displaying genuine fruit (2 Cor. 11:12 —15).

FALSE CHRISTS OR ANTICHRISTS: Imitators and pretenders who claim to be the Messiah. Jesus warned His followers not to be deceived by them (Mark 13: 6)

FALSE PROPHET: Any person claiming to possess a message from God, but not possessing a divine commission, nor displaying genuine fruit (Matt. 7:15). More specifically, the false prophet mentioned in the Book of Revelation (Rev. 19:20), who will come prior to Christ’s return and deceive many (Rev. 20:10) .

FALSE TEACHER: Any person claiming to be a genuine teacher of God, but not possessing a divine commission, nor displaying genuine fruit (2 Peter 2:1—3).

FALSE VISIONS, DREAMS, AND DIVINATIONS: The revelations •of false prophets and ministers which they claimed to have received from God used as methods of deceiving God’s people (Jer. 14:14, 15)

FAMILIAR SPIRIT: Spirit embodied in an animal which attends serves and guards a person; can also be in the form of a person (l Samuel 28: 7—15) .

FETISH: A magically charmed object which is supposed to carry magical power.

FIRE-WALKING: Practice of walking through fire or on white—hot stones, usually by firewalker placing himself in hypnotic or spiritualistic trance.


FOREKNOWLEDGE: Precognition, premonition, or clairvoyance concerning an event or circumstance that will occur in the future.

FORTUNE—TELLER: A person who professes to predict the future. Deut. 18:10-14, 2 Kings 17:17, Jer. 27:8-9

GASTROMANCY: Divination with the voice lowered as though issuing from the ground.

GENETHLIALOGY: Divination by use of stars at birth.

GHOST: A disembodied soul; the ” spirit or soul of a dead person” believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world and appearing to the living in bodily likeness; actually, an impersonating evil spirit or demon.

GOOD LUCK OBJECTS: A charm used for protection and guidance.

HANDWRITING ANALYSIS: Study of handwriting to detect forgeries, determine character, aptitude, or diagnosing nervous diseases

GRAPHOLOGY: Analysis of character through one’s handwriting.

GRAVEN IMAGE: A carved image or statue of wood, stone, or metal, generally used as an idol (Deut. 4:15 —19) 0

HEALING MAGNETISM: A method of healing by covering or stroking the diseased areas of the body with steel magnets or hand.

HEX: To affect by. an evil spell, to jinx.

HOROSCOPE: A diagram used by astrologers for divination showing the position of plane. and stars with their signs of the zodiac.

LIFE READINGS: A projected horoscope of one t s life.

HYPNOSIS: To put in the hypnotic state; to influence, control, or direct completely as by personal charm, words, or domination.

I CHING:’ An ancient Chinese book Of divination in which 64 pairs of 8 symbols are shown with various interpretations.

INCANTATION: The chanting or uttering of words purporting to have magical power.

INCENSE: Used in seances,

INCUBUS: An evil spirit, supposed to lie upon persons in their sleep, especially to have sexual intercourse with women by night.


KARMA: The net spiritual sum of all good and bad acts am works from each person t s prior lives. Reincarnations try to explain this as the reason in this present life. They believe the Karma varies continually with the good and bad things one does in this present life.

KABALA: An occult game sold as gifts for children.

LEGERDEMAIN: Sleight of hand, performance of minor magical tricks.

LETTER OF PROTECTION: Magic letters kept by or carried by persons for protection of self or property. In spite of religious exterior, belongs to domain of superstition and sorcery.

LEVITATION: The act or phenomenon of a person’s body floating in air, usually spiritist medium while in trance.

LIBRANOMANCY: Requires incense as a means of interpreting omens

LOOKING IN THE LIVER: A form of augury. Prediction of the future by position or condition of the liver of a sacrificed animal (Ezek. 21:21) 0

LSD & HALLUCINOGENIC DRUGS: Used to gain cosmic meditation and forms of satanic wors hip

LYCEUMS: System of spiritualists training schools.

MEDIUM: Person acting as the communication between this world and the spirit world, with the supposed ability to talk to the dead; one who has a “familiar spirit” •

MACUMBA: A cult openly orientated about the god of evil and disaster. It is a mixture of black magic and criminal form of spiritism.

MAGIC: Supernatural power over natural forces.

MAGIIC PERSECUTION: A form of black magic used to persecute enemies casting spells or curses on them.

MAGICAL HEALING: Healing of diseases, not by medical but by occult means; e.g. , spells, charms, amulets, incantations, etc.

MAGIC DEFENSE: Enlists supernatural agencies to counteract or undo the mischief wrought by magic persecution.

MAGICIAN: Person who claims to understand and explain mysteries by magic, which is the art of. influencing or controlling the course of nature, events, and supernatural powers through occult arts. One who performs wonders by deception or occult powers.

MARK OF THE BEAST: Imprinted tattoo or sign upon those who subjugate themselves to the antichrist.

MATERIALIZATION: This is the power to raise the presumed spirits of the dead in visible form which can be seen by all those present whether they have psychic gifts or not.

MEDITATION: Fixing your mind on one object for enlightenment by spirits.

MENTAL SUGGESTION (REMOTE INFLUENCE): Dealing with a remote transference of mental powers, which would Include telepathy. hypnosis or magnetism.

MESMERISM: A power belonging to the mediumistic order of nature to cure illness by stroking with hands.

METAPHYSICS: Pertaining to the cosmos, cosmic energy, and the metaphysical world.

MODERN THEOLOGY: Any theology which denies the Blood of Jesus is cultic in nature.

MOLECH: An idol which was worshipped and to which living children were often sacrificed by burning.

MOON—MANCY: Associated with many of the superstitious and heathenistic customs of the dealing with the changes of the moon.

MYSTIC: One who is into mysticism or occults.

MYSTIC CHRISTIANITY: Mixing God and Satan.

NECROMANCER: Medium – Consulter with familiar spirits: calls forth the spirits of the dead.

NECROMANCY: Conjuring spirits of the dead for the purpose of revealing the future or influencing present events. Deut. 28:1-5, Is. 8:19, 1 Chron. 10:13-14

NIRVANA: The sea of nothingness, which is the ultimate goal of the reincarnationists.

NUMEROLOGY: The study of numbers, as the figures designating the year of one’s birth, to determine their supposed influence on one’s life, future , etc.

OBSERVER OF TIMES: Person who as a superstition us regard for days regarded as lucky or unlucky decided by astrology or superstition. Deut. 18:10-14, 2 Kings. 21:6, 2 Chron. 33:6

OCCÜLT: Secret or mysterious, relating to supernatural agencies or forces.

OCCULT TRANSFERENCE: Magical powers are transferred by occult ceremony or laying on of hands.

OCCULT TEXT BOOKS: Books which contain rituals, spells, magic potions, occult in— instructions and information, and detailed explanations of psychic and magic practices. There are countless books of this nature, but some of the best known and often used are: Satanic Bible, Secrets of the Psalms, Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses, The Book of Venue, I Ching, and Tetrabiblos (by Ptolemy) .

OMENS: Signs which are supposed to be of importance in our everyday lives, deter— mining and influencing what we do.

ONEIROIv1ANCY: Divination by means of dreams

OOSCOPY: Divination by eggs used frequently in the Mexican type of voodoo.

OUIJA BOARD: Game board used to obtain spiritualistic or telepathic messages about the future or other hidden knowledge.

PALMISTRY: Fortune—telling and interpreting character by the lines and configurations of the palm of the hand (Chiromancy).

PARAPSYCHOLOGY: The study that investigates the psychological aspect of supernatural phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, apparitions, etc.

PASSING THROUGH THE FIRE: Child sacrifice by burning. Abortion.

PERSON PROGRAMMING: Seeking to control or manipulate another person.

PHILOSOPHY: The body of principles underlying a given branch of learning.

PHRENOLOGY: Reading a person’s character or future by the conformation of his skull

PLANCHETTE: A small board supported on casters at two points and a vertical pencil at a third point, said, when lightly touched by fingers, to move of itself, the pencil thereby tracing words given by spirits.

POLTERGEIST: A mischievous ghost who is said to be responsible for strange noises such as rapping, knockings, or the movement of objects.

POTIONS: Herb mixes, drugs with magical or drug—state inducing powers.

PRECOGNITION: Knowledge about an event not yet experienced by means beyond the physical senses.

PREMONITION: Uneasy anticipation of an event. without any conscious means of knowing why.

PRESENTIMENT: A feeling that some specific evil is going to happen in the future.

PRINCIPALITIES: Order of powerful satanic angels and demons (Eph. 6:12)

PSI: Symbol for the transcendent aspect of human personality. From letter of the G reek word psyche (soul).

PROGNOSTICATION: Foretelling the future. To foretell from signs or systems and prophesy without the Holy Spirit.

” PROPHECY”: Satan can give substitutes for true prophecy. Many have been misled by “prophecy” because they did not test the spirits as the Bible instructs us to do.

PSYCHIC: A person who is sensitive to non—physical forces and their significance in the material world.

PSYCHIC HEREDITY: A demonic hold on the family line.

PSYCHIC PHENOMENA: Events that cannot be explained by natural reference, hence are attributed to

PSYCHO-ANALYSIS: Seeks -to dissect the very center of man’s spiritual life and to resolve it in a number of complexes.

PSYCHOKINESIS: Movement of physical objects by the mind, without use of physical means.

PSYCHOMANCY: Occult communication between souls or with spirits.

PSYCHOGRAPH (PIANCHETTE): Is an apparatus used win spiritistic circles as an instrument for receiving written messages from the spirits of the dead.

PSYCHOMETERY: Usually runs co-operatively with clairvoyance and clairaudience. It is regarded as the power to make a personal contact with a live person or persons who are absent from the place where it is being demonstrated.

PHYSIOGNOMY: Character analysis through physical appearance of the features.

RADIESTHESIA: Science of determining psychic influence by use of a rod or pendulum.

REBELLION: “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft…”(1 San. 15:23)

RECOGNITION: An inner knowledge of things to come.

REINCARNATION: Rebirth of a soul into a new human body or other form of life.

RHABDOMANCY: Divination by rods or wands.

ROSICRUCIAN: A person belonging to a secret society laying claim to various forms of occult knowledge and power a


SABBAT: Main meeting of witches to bring in new members.

SATAN: Fallen archangel of God set upon various types of destruction on earth.

SATANIC BLOOD PACT: Making a covenant with Satan and yielding unreservedly to the powers of darkness .

SATANIC BIBLE: The official bible of the church of Satan.

SATANISM: Devil worship, frequently involving a travesty of Christian rites. Prayer to the devil, black masses, etc.

SCIOMANCY: Divination gained through spirit aid.

SCREENING: Dowsers and pendulum practitioners state that there are rays connected with the earth that are damaging to the health. That these rays can be screened off by means of certain small boxes .

SEER: One who practices divination; a crystal gazer.

SEANCE: A group gathered to attempt to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

SEANCE OF PASSIVITY: Process of blotting out all conscious thought so a spirit can take control of a medium and speak through him.

SEANCE OF VOCAL REALITY: Many sounds are produced through the medium’s vocal chords, not just voices, but music, sound effects, instruments, etc. The sound vibrations are distinctly produced through the vocal apparatus of the medium.

SEANCE OF LIGHTS: Preceded by a half—hour of meditation during which each person prepares himself for the coming of ‘the spirit. In this seance, a darkened room fills with drifting lights until it becomes a mass of colors, each light indicating the spirit of “someone who has passed on i‘ .

SEANCE OF TRUMPET REVELATION: A metal trumpet made of aluminum is used. When the medium enters his trance, the trumpet rises (by demon control) slowly from the table and. moves around the room, stopping at intervals in midair. The spirit’s voice speaks through the trumpet.

SEANCE OF TRANSFIGURATION: This seance, the transfigured form of a “loved” one who has died” appears

SEANCE OF LEVITATION (SOUL TUVEL): The phenomenon of spirit development whereby a medium or an advanced convert to spiritualism can leave his body by complete yieldedness to a control spirit. He is not completely disunited from his body t but is able to take a conscious flight from it to distant places (also known as astral projection).


SEDUCING SPIRITS: Demons whose intent Is to deceive a believer and ultimately pull him down into apostasy.

SELF—HYPNOSIS: Do-it—yourself psychiatry promising, by controlling the subconscious, the unleashing of explosive power within to make life give you what you want.

SIGNTICANT DATES AND DAYS (NUMEROLOGY): Comes under superstitious customs.

SOOTHSAYING: The act of foretelling future events. Prophesying by a spirit, other than the Holy Spirit. Job. 13:22, Mic. 5:12-15, Acts. 16:16-18.

SORCERY: The use of power obtained through help of evil spirits, especially for divination and necromancy. Jer. 27:9, Isa. 47:9, Rev. 21:8

SPECTER: A visible disembodied spirit; something that haunts or perturbs the mind.

SPELL: A spoken word or pattern of words with magic power.

SPIRIT GUIDE: In spiritualism, an evil spirit assigned to aid the medium or seeker.

SPIRITISM: Belief that departed spirits commune with living people. usually through mediums.

SPIRITUALISM: Type of church Organization noted for communicating with the dead.

SPIRITUALIST: One who believes that the spirits of the dead can and do communicate with the living by means of a medium, or by other supernatural means. ie., meditation, automatic writing, rapping, etc.

SIXTH & SEVENTH BOOKS OF MOSES” An occult book on sorcery.

SOUL TRANSMIGRATION: Astral projection; transferring of souls.


STARGAZERS: Those who worship the stars, sun, moon and other heavenly bodies.

STARGAZING: The divination of the supposed influence of the stars upon human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects. Isa. 47:12-15. Jer. 10:2, Deut. 18:1, 18-20, 2:1-49, 4:1-37. 5:7-15

SUCCUBUS: A demon, especially one assuming female form to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep,

SUPERSTITION: Although a religious kind of attitude, is an Attitude divorced from God. It carries with it some of the most nonsensical decisions and actions.

SWEDENBORGIANISM: Cult that does away with the blood of Jesus.

TRIGGER: Any event that precipitates a response. The trigger we refer to have been purposely placed usually to control the behavior of a person at a later time and place.

TABLE LIFTING: Is practiced by many spiritist under the delusion that it might help to establish communication with the dead or answer questions by the way the table turns or leans.

TALISMANS: A stone, ring, or other object engraved with figures or characters supposed to possess occult powers and worn as an amulet or charm.

TAROT CARDS: A series of twenty-two picture playing cards used in fortune-telling.

TEA LEAF READER: Fortune—telling by reading omens in tea leaves.

TELEKINESIS: The production of motion in a body, apparently without the application of material force; a power long claimed by spiritualistic mediums.

TELEPATHY: Communication from one mind to another without use of the ordinary physical channels of hearing, seeing, touching, etc. Also known as mental suggestion, mindreading, telepathic phenomena, etc.

TELESTHESIA: An impression received at a distance without the normal operation of the sense organs

THEOSOPHY: Any of various forms of philosophical or religious thought in which claim is made to a mystical insight into the divine nature or to a special divine revelation.

THIRD EYE: Supernatural hypnotic power.

THOUGHT PROJECTION: Also, remote or unconscious influence. A form of telepathy.

TRANCE: An unconscious or semi—conscious state of partially suspended animation, usually caused by spirit activity.

TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION: Concentration on spiritual realm in order to transcend or go beyond material or empirical experience to the. “higher reality” of the spirit world; repeated prayers or chants.

TRANSFERENCE: Passing on of occult powers, illness, pain, etc.

TRANSFIGRATION OCCURRENCE: Where the form of a departed loved one” takes the place of the medium’s body and speaks and gestures to those attending the seance.

TUMBLER MOVING: Spiritistic seances frequently use drinking glasses moved by telekinesis to spell out a message.

UMBANDA: Cult in Brazil.

UNITY: Cult, does away with atoning work of Christ on the Cross.

UNITARIAN: Cult, does away with atoning work of Christ on the Cross; similar to Unity.

VISIONS: Be sure to check the origin. Remember Satan comes as an angel of light to deceive.

VOODOO: A religion derived from African ancestor worship involving spells , necromancy and communication with animistic gods.

WART REMOVAL: Methods of wart removal are customs of very doubtful nature and are usually either suggestive or magical in character.

WARLOCK: A male witch; one who works black magic.

WHITE MAGIC: Witchcraft used supposedly for ” good and unselfish” purposes, It should be noted that no magic is good.

WITCH: A woman who practices the black arts; one who has supernatural powers through evil spirits. One who deals with evil spirits in order to put spells on people.

WITCHCRAFT: A type of an occult, Word is often used by the press to denote all the occults collectively. It is the practice of dealing with the evil spirits and the use of sorcery or magic. Deut. 18:10-12. 2 Chron. 3:3-6, 1 Sam. 15:23. Gal. 5:19

WITCH DOCTOR: One who uses spiritual power, magic, herbs or machines to cure in nonsensical ways.

WITCHES’ SABBBATH: A midnight assembly of a coven of thirteen witches for performing rites.

WIZARD: One who uses spirit power to bring about certain reactions; sorcerer.

WIZARDRY: The art or the practice of a wizard. Lev. 20:27, Ex. 22:18, 2 Kings 17:17, Deut. 18:10-14

WORSHIP OF DEMONS: Heathen practice forbidden by God (Lev. 17: 7)

XYLOMANCY: Divination from pieces of wood.

YOGA: Exercise and meditation opening mind to dark powers.

ZODIAC: Imaginary belt of planets and constellations forming the astrological signs. Astrologists believe affect human experience.

ZOMBIE: Voodoo snake deity; the supernatural power that, according to voodoo belief, may enter into and reinstate a dead body.